Final Breath

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"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asked Deaton, referring to the last living Dread Doctor he happened to capture, who is now lying on the metal table, practically comatose.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive." He said, touching the wires on his chest.

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Liam said.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture enough." My brother said beside me.

"Stiles!" I gave him a look. "Can we just throw him in a ditch or something? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm Celestine's doppelgänger!"

"Casey, shush," Liam told me, and I raised an eyebrow. "Do you hear that?" He asked us, and we were confused until the doctor suddenly shot up, and we heard a high pitch noise that made us hold our ears.

I gasped when he suddenly grabbed me, and I tried fighting him, but he was way stronger.

"Let her go!" Liam shouted, and Scott tried stopping him when the doctor lifted his hand, and a wave of energy made him fly back.

"Liam! No! Let me go!" I screamed, trying to fight him.

"Casey!" I heard my brother scream as the Dread Doctor dragged me out of the Animal Clinic, bringing his hand up again and made the doors shut, and the lights exploded.

"No. No, Stiles! No!" I screamed for my friends and my brother, hoping to god that they were all right, and he fell to his knees, pushing me forward. I tripped, falling into another man's arms, and I freaked when I saw Sebastian.

He set me on my feet before walking towards the doctor, taking off his mask, and I couldn't even describe it. It was absolutely disgusting.

"Marcel..." he said, and I was shocked that he knew him. Hold up, Marcel from the story my grandpa told me? This is him?

"If this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled."

"For you... All for you... And for her." Marcel said, glancing over at me, and so did Sebastian before turning back to him. I took out my phone, unlocking it, and calling my dad, putting it back in my pocket.

"What did you do with it, Marcel? Where is the pike?" He asked him, and I knew my dad and my grandpa had it.

"The Argents... The Argents..." he said, and I watched him fall to the ground, taking his final breath. I slowly backed away, taking out my keys, and I booked it. I ran over to my car, about to put the key in when I was turned, and gently pushed up against it.

I breathed heavily, my heart pounding in fear from Sebastian closing me in.

"Mon amour," he whispers, touching my face, and I flinched. "My sweet Celestine."

"No," I said shakily. "I'm not her. I'm not Celestine. And I'm surely not your love." I told him, and he chuckled.

"You always did like to play games with me. If you're not Celestine, then what should I call you, mon amour?" He asked me, tucking my hair behind my hair.

"Casey. My name is Casey." I said, trying not to seem afraid, but I was failing miserably.

"Casey." He repeated, almost sounding amused. "So beautiful..." he said, mesmerized by me, and he glanced down at my chest. "You say you are not her, but you wear her pendant."

"Because I'm not. I'm her descendant. The one she swore that would kill you if you returned." I don't where this boost of confidence came from, but thank god. "I don't want to hurt Mason, but I know that he wouldn't want you to live. And my name isn't just Casey. It's Argent." I said, and I made my eyes glow, grabbing my dagger, and I went to hit him when he caught my hand, forcing me to drop it.

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