Suicide Runs

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"Why is he here? Seriously, why is he here?" Stiles asked when he saw Theo standing next to me, and he rolls his eyes.

"Maybe because I promised my girlfriend I would watch her game. That, and you're going to need my help too. Casey already filled me in." Theo told him, and he looked at me in disbelief.

"What the hell, Casey?"

"Does it matter, Stiles? We're going to need all the help we can get if we want to catch the Beast." I said, and he scoffed, not liking the fact that Theo's here.

"She's got a point, Stiles," Scott spoke up, and he looked at him in betrayal. "Mason, you know your part."

"Corey and I break into the Devenford bus and search their shoes."

"I take out the TV vans," Malia said.

"Right before the whistle, Coach forfeits the game," Stiles said.

"The rest of us are looking for a size ten with a bloody sole." Liam finished saying the plan.

"Just out of curiosity, what if it doesn't work?" Malia asked. "What if we have to go up against this thing? I mean, I hate to bring up bad memories, but Scott's still healing from what Casey's dick of a boyfriend did to him. You could have done better." She told me, and I knew how they felt about Theo, but we would have ended up together either way. We were literally made for each other. We're each other's halves, like yin and yang. He's the bad, and I'm the good. We balance each other out.

"No, he's not." Kira piped up, and we look at them.

"She's right." Scott lifts his jersey to reveal that his wound was no longer there. "It happened the night we got Lydia out of Eichen House. I healed. When we were all together again. When we were a pack."

"The Beast doesn't have a pack," Liam said.

"Not like us. We can do this, guys. No one dies tonight." Scott said confidently.

"Well, it's a good thing you have me. I might be able to help with your bloody shoe problem." Paisley spoke up from beside Jocelyn.

"And how can you do that?" Liam asked her with a bit of an attitude.

She glared at him, and her eyes glowed blood red. "Care to find out, bitch?"

Jocelyn snorted at her comeback, and I was pretty amused, too, while Liam looked offended.

"Like my dear cousin, I'm also an elemental. But a rare one. I'm from the Water Serpent Clan, which obviously is made up of water elementals, but I inherited mine from my dad. I'm a blood elemental. Meaning, I can bend it to my will, control living things, and I can sense it, but it's hard to say if I'm able to for this." She explained to them, unsure if she could do the job.

"Hold up, control living things?" Mason asked her, and she nodded.

"Yeah. I can control the blood rushing through your veins. Hell, I can even feel it. But nowadays we don't practice that anymore. It's too barbaric and cruel. We only use it in the direr of situations." She told them.

"If you can help sense it, that'd be great, Paisley." Scott smiled at her, and she nodded. "Now, let's get to work."


"Just because you glare at him, it won't make him go away," I said to my boyfriend, who was glaring icily at Lyle.

"No, but it's better than me ripping him apart." He said, looking at me with a grin. "Good luck tonight."

I smiled. "Thank you. Let's just hope that everyone works out. Look, Theo, I know what my friends and family think of you, and I can't justify your actions, but you weren't born evil. I don't care what they think of you or our relationship because at the end of the day, I will never stop loving you."

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