Devil In Disguise

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"Come on, let me come with you," I asked my brother again as he and Scott both prepared to go to Mexico to get Kira back.


"Why not?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

Stiles sighed, looking up at me. "Because I need you to stay here, all right? Casey, you're the only person I trust if something goes wrong here, and Scott and I are in Mexico. Just cover for us, okay? We'll be back before you know it."

"Uh, no! You're leaving me here! With the devil incarnate!" I exclaimed.

"Paisley?" He asked me, and I gave him a look. "I'm kidding. Still surprised she's our cousin, but I'm kidding. I know who you meant, and if you have to, just shock him."

"But Stiles,"

"I said no, Casey." He came over and put his hands on my shoulders. "I know you want to help, but Scott and I need you here. Just trust me, okay?"

I sighed. "Whatever. Please be careful." I said, and he smiled at me.

"Of course. Come here." He said, wrapping his arms around me, and I gladly hug him back. "I love you, Casey."

"I love you too, Stiles," I whispered, and I hoped that he and Scott would be okay on their trip to Mexico to get Kira.


"God, they should really get that damn thing fixed." Jocelyn groaned when the loudspeaker malfunctioned, wincing from the noise.

"You're telling me. It makes me want to claw out my eardrums." Paisley commented as she walked with us. You may be wondering why she's walking with us, but since what happened on the night of the full moon, we've sort of made amends, and she and Jocelyn are slowly working on it.

"I know what else makes me wanna claw out my eardrums," Jocelyn grumbled, referring to Paisley, and I sighed.

It's progress, actually. At least she's not threatening to burn her anymore.

"Girls!" Mason called us over, and I see him with Liam. "Look." I look over, and my heart dropped when I saw how close Theo and Hayden were against the lockers.

"You said Scott told you not to do anything," Mason said, and I see Liam getting mad.

"I know." He seethed.

"Liam, you said you weren't gonna get involved."

"I know."

"No, let him! I need some entertainment." Jocelyn said, encouraging him to start a fight.

"Liam," Mason starts, but he was cut off by Liam turning my head and placing his lips on mine. Last month I would have been swoon and happily kissed him back, but now I'm just disgusted. The fact that he's using me to get revenge on Theo and Hayden disgusts me even more. I just felt used by him.

Deciding to play along, I opened my mouth, and the second he placed his tongue in my mouth, I bit down. Hard.

Liam recoiled away from me, and I wipe my lips, trying to forget all about that kiss.

"You bit me." He stated.

"I don't like being used," I said in response, and I look over at Theo to see him glaring daggers at Liam.

"Looks like someone's jealous." Paisley chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. It's bad enough I have next period with him." I said as I walked away from Mason and the dumbass.

"Really? Or do you not want to see him because you're attracted to the devil?" Jocelyn asked me, and I felt my cheeks burn.

"Ooh! Look at her, she's red!" Paisley pointed to my cheeks, making them both laugh.

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