I Love You

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"Celestine! Mon amour!" Sebastian yelled, and I quickly stepped away from him.

"Stay away from me, you-you beast. You are not the man I once loved. All of those people,"

"I would never hurt you, my dear Celestine." He said, touching my face, and I flinched, looking into his eyes, I couldn't see the man I knew before. He looked crazed.

"You have hurt me already. How could you? They were innocent people." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Their lives were meaningless! Come with me, mon amour." He said, taking my hand and placed a soft kiss upon my lips. And no matter how much I wanted to give in to his seduction, I knew better.

"No," I said, breaking away from him. "Their lives weren't meaningless to me, Sebastian. And if the day comes, a day where you shall return, my descendant will find you and kill you. I promise you that." I told him, grabbing my cloak and wrapping it around myself before running away from our cottage and deep into the woods, hearing a loud roar behind me filled with betrayal and anger.


I groaned as I woke up, feeling for my blanket but instead, I felt metal. I opened my eyes, looking around to see that I was in some room, and I was confused until I saw the fresco.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, hopping off the table. I saw some weird stuff in there before it clicked. I've been here before. This was where the Dread Doctors took me when they- when they tried to kill me.

"Casey?" I turn around to see Theo, and he brings me into his arms, holding me close.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. What happened? The last thing I remember is us finding Lydia, and then nothing." I told him, and he caressed my cheek, to which I leaned into his embrace.

"The mountain ash weakened you and did a number on you when you broke open the doors to get to Lydia. You fainted, and I brought you here." He explained to me, and I nodded. "Come on. I'll take you home." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Okay," I said, walking out of there with him, trying to ignore the feeling that a pair of eyes were on us.


"Daddy," I smiled when I opened the door to see him with Derek, and he smiled at me.

"Happy birthday, squirt." He said, and I hugged him. "I'm sorry this one's been a bust. But some people wanted to make it up to you." I furrow my eyebrows, turning to see my friends. Well, Liam and Hayden weren't here, but still.

"What is all this?" I asked, referring to the cake, the presents, and the banner.

"We're celebrating your birthday. You don't turn sixteen every day, flower." My brother said, walking up to me. "We all feel awful that we forgot, and I feel even worse. You're my sister, and I love you, and I'm really sorry that I forgot what today was. You're important to me too, Casey." He said, and I smiled at him.

"Thank you. Is that cake chocolate?" I asked him, and he nodded. "You're forgiven." He smiled, embracing me in a hug.

"This is so sweet! But I really want cake so can we do presents now?" Jocelyn piped up, making us all laugh at her.

"No filter whatsoever." Stiles chuckled, pulling away from me, and he led me to the couch.

"Me first!" Mason said in excitement, handing me his gift first. I opened it to see a picture of me, him, and Jocelyn when we first became a trio until we became a duo.

"We took this at the park almost two years ago," I said, touching the picture.

"Yeah. It was also when we were good friends. I thought you'd like it." Mason told me, and I hug him.

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