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When I came to, my vision was a bit blurry, and I saw Liam next to me with these large tubes sticking out of his arm that was connected to something, and I saw Hayden next to him.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, touching my head, and I felt blood.

"She's awake." I suddenly heard one of the doctors say, and I gasped when they grabbed me.

"Get the hell off me, or I swear to god I will set this whole place on fire!" I shouted angrily, struggling to fight them as they forced me down on an operating table, strapping me down.

"Let me go!" I keep trying to get out, but I couldn't focus. My head was killing me, and I just couldn't think straight.

"The Mercier bloodline runs through your veins, Celestine." One of them told me, and I see them hold up a knife before cutting my arm open, and I start screaming.

"My name isn't Celestine! Let me go!" I yelled, feeling my eyes burn in anger, and I noticed how they were collecting my blood as they cut my other arm.

"Casey!" I heard Hayden yell, but I was too preoccupied to care.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked them, and I felt them stick something in my arm, and I see that it was a needle.

"Your tears can heal others, and your blood can be used to revive as well. Your purpose is to keep the balance, but unfortunately, to complete our task, you must die." One told me, and I started screaming more, trying to get out as they cut me again.

"No! Let me go! Stiles!" I cry for my older brother, wanting his comfort, but that wasn't possible. I was going to die, and I can never see my family or friends again.

"No. No!" I shouted, fighting against the man still when I felt a small prick on my neck. I suddenly felt tired, and my eyes began to droop as my sight became hazy. I fought, but in the end, the sedative won, and my eyes closed. And it's a possibility I may never wake up.


"Allison, aren't you ever scared?" I ask my older sister, and she turned away from her homework.

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me, and I sit up.

"Of this life. I mean, you're human. You and Dad, you're more vulnerable even though you're trained. How is it that you're never scared that one day you might die?" I ask her, and she puts her books on her nightstand.

"Come here," she pats the spot next to her, and I go over to her, her arms wrapping around me.

"Of course, I'm scared. I'm scared every day that I might lose you or Dad or any of our friends. I can't assuage your fear because this life is dangerous, and you have powers while I don't. But if I had to choose between my life over yours, I would choose to save you. Because you're my little sister, and I will always protect you no matter what." She told me, and I hug her.

"We'll protect each other. I love you, Allicat." I whisper to my big sister.

She chuckled. "I love you too, flower. And I would do anything to save you. No matter what."

"Casey? Casey, wake up! Wake up!" I felt someone shake me, and I groaned in pain. I felt this stinging pain all over my body like I've been stabbed a thousand times with needles.

Wait a minute. I was.

I open my eyes hazily, seeing someone above me.

"A-Allison?" I mumbled, and my sight became a bit clearer as I saw Hayden.

"No. It's Hayden. Oh, god, the blood. There's so much." I heard her say, and I felt so weak. I felt my eyes droop again, and she began to shake me more.

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