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"She took out the whole school?" Scott asked in disbelief.

"She took out the whole grid," Malia stated.

"Look, I failed every single practice try. Casey or Firass have to do this. I'm sorry." Kira said, and Firass and I look at each other before glancing at her.

"No." We both said in unison, and she groaned.

"How far can we get without the brownout?" Liam asked.

"The front door." My brother deadpanned.

"We're going," Scott said in determination.

"Scott, we went through boxes of lightbulbs." Kira pointed out, doubting herself again like she's been doing this whole entire time. She's so afraid that she'll lose control, and it's consuming her. It's really annoying, actually.

"It's doesn't matter. You can do this."

"The key card won't work unless there's a reboot." Malia piped up.

"And there's no reboot without a brownout. And Firass and Casey refuse to do it!" Kira finished.

Scott stepped close to her. "I know you can do this. Anyone here think she can't?"

Oh, why bring us into this?

"I literally gave her a pep talk at the school, I think I've said enough," I said, sitting down on one of the chairs, and Jocelyn sat on the arm of it.

"Not me," Liam said.

"I was the one who put you in the plan." My brother said, and neither of them sounded convincing.

"I refuse to do it because I know you can. You're just scared. Plain and simple." Firas stated, leaning up against the wall, and Jocelyn silently agreed with her brother by nodding.

"What?" Malia asked when the boys looked at her to give Kira some encouragement.

"I believe in you too, Kira." My brother tried to get her to say.

"Besides from Jocelyn, I'm the one who's going to be locked in an electrical room with her." She said, and she had a point. "You can do it."
She finally said.

"You guys are all crazy. We're gonna die." Kira said, even after all the encouragement she just got. But then again, the only people who sounded convincing were me, from earlier, and Firass.

"And what about Theo? He's most likely going to come." Liam said since Scott and Stiles told us about their little encounter with him earlier today.

"We actually have an idea about that," Stiles said, and suddenly he and Scott looked at me.

"No. No way! I'm not being used as your pawn, Stiles." I told him.

"What? I'm just asking you to convince him not to come."

"You don't get it, do you? You can't go dictating my life, and then ask me to talk to Theo when it's convenient for you. Do you even realize how messed up that sounds?" I asked him.

"Casey, it's not a big deal."

"But it matters to me!" I finally yelled, and everyone was silent. "You can't keep treating me like a child anymore. I'm sixteen. I can make my own decisions and protect myself. I don't need my big brother acting as my shadow all the time."

"You're fifteen. You just said you're sixteen, you're fifteen." He corrected me, and I scoffed when he only acknowledged my age.

"Actually, I'm sixteen. Why do you think Derek came back to Beacon Hills? It wasn't for Lydia. It was for me. He's not even my real brother, and yet he was able to remember what today is and came back here because of it." I said, and he looked down, ashamed.

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