01: Kim Lalisa

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Getting up from bed, I rubbed my eyes and stretch for a second

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Getting up from bed, I rubbed my eyes and stretch for a second. Monday, another day of school. I sigh and stand up, walking to the bathroom. After taking a bath, I wore my uniform and comb my hair. Picking up my bag. I forgot to laundry my socks yesterday, I'll just wear this even though it's smelly. I wore my shoes and went out.

"Auntie, I'll get going." I said, she looked at me and smile. "Take care!" I smile and nod. Well, my parents are already dead, she was the only one who took care of me since I was little. It's just the two of us in this world. At least I have someone who loves me.

I took a seat first and wait for the bus to come. By the way, I haven't introduce myself yet, I'm Kim Lalisa, my parents died when I was 3 years old, my auntie told me that, who am I to not believe that, right? We're just poor, but I'm lucky that I got to enter my dream school even though it's hard to afford, I'm just a scholar, I'm thankful that my auntie was the one who work hard for me, and bought me a uniform.

It didn't take long when I get to ride the bus. I sigh when I saw that there's no free seat, well, I'm just gonna settle standing up. I usually ride this bus myself, the other kids that have the same school with mine, they ride with their own cars. Maybe too I'm different from everyone.

I arrived at my school not too long. I walk through the gate and the guard usually smile at me. Why? It's because I'm the only one who appreciated them, the other kids are bully. "Good morning, Lili." They said and smile at me. I did the same "Good morning sunbae's!" I said and walk through the yard. I saw all of them are doing their business, some are sweet talking, some are laughing, and some are glaring at me. I'm not even gonna tell why..

I walk through the hallways and went to my locker. I pick up my things and—

"Hey Mandu!" I sigh and purse my lips. Turning and saw my bullies. I don't know why thety doing this but I'm so tired and sick of it. I didn't do anything to make them so angry at me all the time. She gesture me to come to them but I just stood here and watched them. The other's already caught our attention. I'm not even surprise at this, it's been like this everytime. And I already know why they're like this to me.

"What? Your ass hurt? Or you just can't move?" She said, I just look at her and blink my eyes. "I don't want a fight, so please leave me alone." I muttered, nearly crying. "Awe, are you going to cry? It's just so bad that your night and shining armor isn't here yet." Then they're walking through my way that made me walk backwards.

"Yah! Could you stop? I swear I'm going to slap you.." she threatened and gave her bag to Joy. She held my chin tightly. "You look so— disgusting!" I move my face away from her and she immediately pick up her sanitizer, spraying it all over her hands. They always treat me like a trash. "I'm telling you this, Lisa.." she said and started pointing her hands at me. Even thought I hate people looking at me like I'm some small insect, I hate people treating me like I'm a loser.

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