35: Imperfections

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Lisa whistle, staying on the restroom and re-do her lipstick..

She release a teasing giggled and let the bride inside the room. It once gasp when she saw her in that redess dress and a very red attitude. She smirk and walk closer to her.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?"

"Wae? Your family invited the whole Merrovigia. Why? Can't I come? You're too mean for your guest, I see." She joked and giggled. Tzuyu frown and scoff, "I don't remember inviting you in my wedding." She spatt making Lisa hiss and pouted her lips.

"A mean bride don't deserve a happy ending they say." She said and shrugged her shoulder. She sigh and walk around the restroom.

"The long times Jungkook hasn't been with you, where do you think he is?" She questioned with a pure sarcastic on her voice. Tzuyu clench her jaw, she can see that. "In Jimin, because he don't want to hurt me and violate me?"

"Really? Poor you." She smiled bitterly and sigh, running her fingers on the cubicle. "His touch, his kisses, his love towards me compares nothing he do with you. He claim it as a big mistake." She said it, finally. Tzuyu cannot even help not to feel jealous and can't believe her words.


"Am I still I liar when I said I am pregnant with his child too?" Lisa stated, giving her the usual eyes she still has. "Sorry if my gift to you guys is very tempting." She spoke softly and touch Tzuyu's hand, but she yank it away in anger..

Slowly, Tzuyu pushed her, making her stumble backwards and the now angry woman harshly grab the pouch on the cubicle beside and started slam it to her, but Lisa instantly grab her wrist and push her harshly..

Tzuyu gasp in pain when her back get in contact with the hard wall..

And she started to feel pain in her stomach.

Lisa gasp intentionally and pity her immediately..

"Oops, my joke really hit you." She said and pouted her lips. Blood continuously dip down, stained on her white fancy gown. Lisa cannot help not to smile..

The pain she felt years ago was finally back her..

"Now you know what it feels to have a miscarriage." She whispered, not even bother helping her now that she's on the ground.

She don't feel guilty at all..

She sigh and cross her hands, "I hope that kid inside you will still live. Or not? Wish you the best! Tzuyu-ah! Congrats by the way!"

(In this fiction, Tzuyu's miscarriage here is unbelievable too. I had to make it unbelievable in order to finish this book..)


"Mom?" Lisa softly knock on her mother's door. The woman was simply doing her skincare, upon seeing her daughter she immediately smile and drop the things in her hands. "My daughter, come!" She said and greet her at the door.

"Have you eaten yet?" Her mother ask and caress her long blond hair. She nodded and smiled..

She sigh and sit on the bed, her mother walk to grab her skincare and continue doing so. "Mom?" She whispered and look down. "What is it sweetie? What happened?" Her mother continuously ask and touch her hand.

"Mom? Did I do right? I mean-- Tzuyu might have a miscarriage because of me.." she whispered and gulp. Now she regret it, because that's not how her life works. She forgot to think not to get kids involve in her plan, but it works like that because of the fact that she's angry and frustrated..

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