31: Tattoo

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He felt her lips on his..

Upon opening his eyes, meeting with the round ones, he frown, slowly pushing her away. He sigh and look down. "What is it? Are you craving?" He ask, he stand up from the bed, stretching out and look at her. She shrugged, pouting, "I just-- want cuddles with you.."

He sigh, taking off his shirt and walk to the closet. "I have work, Tzu. If you need something, you can tell Yuna." He said, picking up his suit on the side.

When he didn't heard the woman replied, and suddenly felt her hugging him from the back making him drop his hands. He release a heavy sigh. "You told me you'll get rid of the tattoo in your back. But it's making me upset that you still didn't. It's still Lisa's name that I always see." She whisper, placing her chin on his shoulder.

He firmly clench his jaw and look away..

How can he get rid of it, when even forgetting about her, he can't even do. He's still afraid to lose her again.

But he's angry, and sure still not in a good state with her. He still couldn't believe how can she be cruel like this. The Lisa he knew once could never do such things.

"You have to rest, Tzu. That's bad for our baby.."

"I will. I was just— I just wanted your attention for a bit." The woman whispered, moving to walk to him. She smiled, picking up the neck tie on the side and simply did it for him. And memories immediately flashes through his mind.

Oh how he love to stared at Lisa, so perfect and so close when she loved to do his neck ties..

He look away and touch her small hands on his chest. He sigh, "It's fine, Tzu. I-- I have to go." He uttered..

After a while, he left the pregnant woman on the house with the Yuna. He's relief that the girl is there to check for his fianceé. He arrive at the Jeon Group briefly and went straight to his office. After the business arrangement yesterday with Bambam, and Lalisa, he sure didn't got the chance to sleep and think about the woman who's bothering him since then..

He's angry at her. Up until now. Maybe that was jealousy he got there?

After all, he always hated men's stick around his girl. But she's a woman, stronger than anyone he knows. Too ambitious, and too courageous, a very independent, smart, not an ordinary woman anymore.

She's not in his hands anymore..

She's not his anymore..

He met Kim Mingyu on the way. He for sure have seen the guy so many times around Lisa. And he take it as a yes, Mingyu was the person who attended the meeting for yesterday. And he's afraid, the man might be planning something with Lisa in this company. He knew he losses the moment Alice Merrovigia will be back here in Seoul..

He clench his jaw, "Do you need anything?" He started, staring at the guy intently..

Mingyu smirk, "Aren't you guilty?" He suddenly said making him frown. "What are you talking about?" He ask, releasing a small chuckle before looking away. "After what you did to Lisa? You still had the guts to hurt her again? This time, with a woman you get pregnant with?"

"What the hell are you saying? I did nothing to her. Maybe she should stop bothering me, my company, and my family. She's the one who's staring this war, not me, Mr. Kim." He exclaimed dangerous. For all he know, Lisa was the devil her, not him.

Mingyu scoff, rolling his eyes. "You'll regret everything you said, starting from today. Lisa is full of secrets, Mr. Jeon. You don't know the half of it. And might as well take care of your now unborn child. That'll atleast make you a good father for once.."

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