20: Analogous

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Jungkook opened the door to the master's bedroom and saw her holding her phone. He sigh, she finally turn around and ran to him. "Jungkook." She uttered and move to hug him. He sigh, he drop his bag and just let her do it.

She made a small smile and move to kiss him, but before she can, he lean back, not meeting her lips. She then drop her hands on his chest and look down. "Um, are you hungry?" She ask, she made a small smile and watch him with such pity in his eyes. He then made a small smile and walk to the bed, "Yeah." He said, he sigh and drop himself on the bed.

He felt her finally walk out of the room making him firmly close his eyes..

His mind was once again filled with Lisa. He loved that three days with her. In such a short amount of time, for him, it was forever. And he admit that he loved her more harder..

Spending there time to watch some movies, share kisses, sweet talks, unending love making. Everything that just make his life perfect. He cannot help not to smile, thinking about the time with her. After all, he still thinks this other woman who's soon to be his wife. He needed to end it before it'll get worst. And he had promise it to her, she will be the first and last person who'm he'll love till the end.

But right now, he was tired, when she decided to went back to her home since her she had work, he then went straight to his company. The thought of L&C Corporation had cancel the deal and the partnership with him did get into his way. He was looking for a way to handle everything. It was all good and perfect, his plan was just so perfect with the L&C Corporation. In business, he's more than everyone think he is.

But right now, he was clearly looking forward to meet Soo Young. The owner of the land where he'll built the J Tower. In the highest floor of the tower, there a penthouse is placed. And he planned to occupy it just for her. He'll let her live there, maybe with him? Someday he thinks.

He then close his eyes. He misses her just now..

He for sure got her number and her address. He cannot even help not to sent her a text..

Hey love.
I miss you, right now..

He smiled and sent it right away. For five years, sweet text never really cross his mind, and he never done it to anyone. Just her. He bit his lip when she finally reply.

Aigoo, you're overreacting.
We're just together hours

Wae? Can't I miss you?
Come on, I really miss you..

I miss you too, kookie^_^

See? I know you do.
You don't have work today?
Or am I interrupting you?

Ani. It's breaktime.
Got the time to have
a chitchat with you.

Oh, I see.
Are you eating?

I'm not.
I'm sitting.

He smiled. That was quite amusing tho..

Ah, okay.
Are you up for dinner?
At my warehouse?

Um. I think I can't, kookie.
I still have some part time
job. Maybe tomorrow, I'm free.

He drop those smiled and sigh. After all, he lit up his lips for a small smile and finally reply.

I'm a bit sad, but okay.
Tomorrow, I'll be waiting
for you.

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