07: Working Out

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Lisa mildly caress her now short beautiful hair before wearing her uniform and pick up her back pack

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Lisa mildly caress her now short beautiful hair before wearing her uniform and pick up her back pack. Slowly picking up her books and her homework before leaving her room. She met her auntie right there and gave her a kiss on the cheek, hearing another hard cough from the woman makes her knit her brow and led her to the sofa. "Auntie. I told you not to clean some of your dusty things, I'll do it. It'll make you worst. I should really bring you to the hospital--"

"Lisa-yah. I'm perfectly fine, okay. Now go to school. I promise not to do some house chores today. Go to school, I'll be fine." She then smiled at her and caress her beauty silk hair. "I love your hair. I love how much it perfect fit you. Just as how I love you, Lisa. Take care of yourself, I can't bare to lose you." She smiled, giving her aunt a warm hug, "You'll never lose me, and I'll never lose you. We're family, remember? I love you, auntie. You're the one to raise me when mom's gone."

"I love you too. You're like my daughter, Lisa, without you, I don't have the reason to be happy right now." She whisper, caressing her soft cheek and give her a hug once again. She gave in and let the tears drop her right eye. "Okay auntie. If I succeed, this is all for you. I'll do this for you." She whisper then purse her lips to prevent herself from sobbing.

"Come on now, Lili. You should go to school, okay? You'll be late. I'll be fine, I promise." She nod and gave her a one last hug and finally left the house..

She reaches her school nicely as she went straight to the library when she notice that it's still early to spend time in the classroom. It did made her feel relief that atleast-- Yeri and the others never bother her anymore. And she had so many questions in her head that she can't answer. She sigh and shrugged the thought away.

She saw her bestfriend right there as she smile, waving at him and notice him walk to her. "Yo, what's up with the hair? You look really much beautiful with that." Taehyung did engulf her in a hug and touch her hair lightly. "Well, I decided to cut it since— you know. By the way, I already have the reports for our project. I just need to go to the library to research sort of stuff." She said and made a small smile.

"Okay then, I'll bring this to Mina so she can atleast learn it, after that, we will wait for you at the room." Taehyung grab the papers from her hands and pat her head lightly making her chuckle and watch him walk to there room. She smiled and finally walk to the library.

"Good morning Ms. Shin." She said happily to the woman who's been standing right there. "Oh, Lisa. It's been so long since you last visited the library, the books misses you a lot." She said then smiled at her. She giggled. Well, the woman was indeed use to her. She's the only person who appreciates books and historical things, unlike the other kids have their mind fix on their phones.

"You look good with your hair, genius." She complimented and smiled at her. "Thank you Ms. Shin." She smilingly wave her hands.

She finally walk and started to find the said book. She went to the history line and pick up some, she stated analyzing it and smile when it's the right one. She walk to the English books. The fact that she has been learning English these past few days because of there report in history and the festival.

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