33: Stuck With Love

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"Gyu, can you please cancel all my meetings for today first? I have to meet someone." Lisa check her wrist watch while walking with her phone in her ears. "Okay, I'm on it. Aunt Alice is looking for you. Where are you going?" He ask, she look up and sigh, "I told you, I have to meet someone." She said before hanging up the phone..

Yeah right, she just have to meet someone..

Not too long when she arrived at an abandoned building in Gangnam. She find the place odd. She gulp, she walk to the side and peek through the wall, there she saw him.

"You're here." He said, turning to look at her..

She look at him, direct in the eyes, not blinking a bit before sighing. "I came here for my money, so, where it is?" She look away, crossing her arms. "We talk over the phone that it's not just your money you're getting from me. Answer all my questions." He said huskily, taking a step forward closer to her.

She gulp, blinking her eyes before walking back..

She cannot help not to get uncomfortable when it comes to him. She tensed every time this happened. A very awkward situation that she can't bare take.

"Tell me, Lisa, why are you doing this? What did I do that made you anger so much?" He spoke, questioning her in a way that she won't piss up. She bit her tongue, not wanting to answer his questions. She rolled her eyes and look at him, "You should find it out yourself. It's your fault after all." She said, giving him the usual poker face look and step forward, having the guts.

"Now give me the money.."

"I am not done asking yet." He uttered, raising the briefcase up and sigh, looking away. "Do you hate me that much?"

"Yes, I hate you to death." She whisper, clenching her jaw. The trembling of her lips is already enough for him to see that she's angry and hurt. He look at her, she did too. There eyes met, she's too angry to even look at him with her real feelings. She's too angry to even try..

He sigh, looking away, understanding her. She took a step back, sensing that she's too close to him..

"Are you-- pregnant with my child back then?" That's it, she had enough of his questions. She walk towards him, grabbing the brief case in his hands and turn her back on him with tears in her eyes.

"Will you believe me if I say that I can't stop loving you?"

That was good enough for her to hear it, and feel it. She stopped walking, gripping tight on the case and release a deep sigh, looking everywhere..

She scoff, looking at him..

"I don't think so." That's what she said, but she knew, on the back of her head she's dying to say it back. After all the years, she's still too inlove with him, but how can she say it? Because she kept on forcing her self not to realize it, and just let her anger grow, more than her feelings..

She wipe her tears away, "As far as I can remember, you hurted me, you let go of us, and be with some other woman, and granted all the promises with her. Do you think, I'll believe your lies? I'll just fool myself again and again." She let go, in too much emotion, her words just made him hurt for her too.

"I was saving you, I was protecting you from dad. He threatened me, he'll kill you if I didn't broke up with you. Lis, you fucking knew that I had to do it for a reason, you're not that dense, right?" He spoke, taking a step closer to her and touch her hand making her look away.

"But that doesn't mean you'll be with her, because if you truly love me, you'll wait for me. I was just missing, I didn't die, didn't I? So screw it, and damn you." She exclaimed, yanking her hands away from him.

"This is all your fault, I am doing this because of you. I became abusive, and crazy, because of you. Because you made me like this." She stated, she blink her tears away and stared at him emotionally.

"I will never consider you as my past lover, Jungkook. And it's better if you stop loving me too, I won't come back to you."


Lisa stared a the night sky, the air is warm, not cold enough. The night was perfect, having a beer in her hands just made her night. She loves stargazing so much, that must be one of her favorite things to do, specially when she's alone, or stargaze with someone she loves..

Just like her son..

She release a deep sigh and her phone beep on the side. To answer the phone call, "Did you get the money?" She started and gulp down the beer. "I did. How did you get it from him? And how did he know?"

"You know, we talked. He already know about his dad, stoling your money." She uttered and bit her lower lip, tilting her head and sigh. "Okay then, I'll call you tomorrow." He said before hanging up, she remained unbothered and just-- stargaze buy herself.

She bit her lip and dialed Mingyu's phone number. "Lisa, are you okay? Where are you? Aunt Alice is worried sick, Lalisa. Tell me?"

"Can you book me a flight tomorrow? I wanna be alone."

"What the hell are you saying?! Can you just-- tell me where you are?! And what happened to you?! Are you crying, Lalisa?! Where did you go earlier? I swear I—" having the guts the hang up the call. She sigh, turning it off to never accept some messages, calls from anyone.

She wipe her tears away and just sip on the beer, when it's finally over, she throw it to the side, before aggressively wipe her lips with her hands. She just need some distraction for her fucking feelings. She won't deny that it's too late from the very start that she stated pretending to be the said angel.

“Do you really thinking drinking will help you?” she suddenly heard. Her eyes widened when she turn around, and saw Kim Taehyung, finely looking at her with that spectacles place on her eyes. She gasp, agape her mouth. "How'd you know I'm here?" She uttered and frown, she stand up and look at him.

He sigh and do not say anything, and just-- simple remove his coat before placing it to hers making her squeal surprisingly and gulp..

"You're not drunk, so you'll remember this." He move to kiss her forehead, so passionate and so loving. Her eyes widened at him. "Why do guys love to kiss my forehead?" She whisper and gulp, looking at him with hooded eyes.

"I know you're having problem with your feeling's. You know, I am too." He told her and smiled, helping her to sit down on the bench she had sitted before and he wrap his arms around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. She arch her brow, "What do you mean?" She ask, looking at him.

"How to unlove Lalisa Merrovigia Manoban."

He smiled and release a giggle making her look away. "You should've unlove Lalisa Manoban long ago. She left you, and Mina, remember? You should've learn your lesson, Kim Taehyung. Lalisa Manoban was just a fuss, and a big headache to everyone."

He smiled, reaching for her hand and interwined it with his, "That's not true. You left for a reason, I understand that, so is Mina. And there is nothing wrong of loving you."

"And I hope you ended up learning on how to forgive the person you love. Because you will ended up hurting yourself."

He said..

And she look at him..


I am a big fan of killer fanfics, that's why I wrote one. I was hoping that you guys could discover my story and read it!


Lovelots ppl💗

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