24: Not The Angel

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The moment she heard a voice. Her eyes widened in shock, so is the bodyguards and her assistant around. When she look at the side. Her eyes widened and fuck, her eyes widened too.


Just as she mentioned her name, the girl immediately run to her and hug her. "Lis, you're alive?!" She uttered and look at her. Lisa frowned and look away. Telling them leave them both. Everyone bow and finally went to the cars that is parked near.

She blink her eyes severally and bit her lip. "You're the Chairwoman of L&C? And-- and the daughter of-- of Alice Merrovigia!" Mina whispered shouted at her making her rolled her eyes and hush her right away. Mina nodded and cover her lips. "Don't tell anyone about it. I-- I trust you, Mina." She said and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I won't. But hell! I can't believe this, Lisa! I am-- I am a worker from L&C!" Lisa hum, "Yes, I know." She said and sigh. "Let's get out of here. Let's talk somewhere private." She said and pulled the girls hand with her.

Remaining both silent at the café near. Mina couldn't process it, she is too. After five years, she notice that Mina change just like her too. She became more tough and more sassy.

"Lis. When we heard what happy about you, me and Taehyung can't help not to look for you everywhere." She started, breaking the silence between them. She smiled and think about it. "By the way, where's Taehyung? Now that you mention, I never seen him."

"He ended up leaving too. He was in Paris up until now." Mina muttered and smiled at her. She blink her eyes several times and nodded her head. "You, I mean-- no offense Lis, but, why did you hid your identity?"

Lisa smiled, "That's a personal question, Mina."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mina nodded and release a chuckle. "Um, by the way—"

"Just don't tell anyone about me. That's all."


Lisa find herself on her real house here in Korea. She clear her throat and decided to wash up on a her hot tub with those few bubbles and petals that the maids personally prepare for her. She's now holding a wind on her hands while the other was on her phone, finally having the chance to talk to her unnie. Jennie Merrovigia.

Her phone immediately ring, making her groan in annoyance that her chitchat with her unnie got cutted. Upon seeing the ID caller, she curse mentally and clear her throat before finally answering the call.

"Hello? Kookie?" Her voice soften, remaining the plan.

"Where are you?" He ask on the other line, noticing his voice was odd. "I'm-- I'm still at my work." She uttered softly and bit her fingernails cutely. "Can you come here, please? I missed you."  He said made her purse her lips and blink her eyes.

"Um, kookie—"

"Please? Lili, I just-- I really need you right now." He hang up the call making her throw her phone on the side.

"Fuck it."


Lisa watches him drink some whiskey on the couch, she got in more making him notice her finally and gesture her to come and sit on his lap which she did and stared at him.

"Are you okay?" She uttered and smiled at him. He nodded and move to kiss her jaw making her blink her eyes several times and grip on his shirt. After all, he touched her this past few days, and this is the first time she get sensitive with his touch. The way he kissed her, was just so normal, because that's part of her plan.

But right now, she cannot help not to shiver around him.

He's starting to kiss her neck there making her release a soft moan and push him softly. "S-stop." She uttered and look at him innocently.

But she can't deny that she also wanted him to touch her..

"I'm sorry. I-- Kookie, you're drunk." She said and pick up the whiskey in his hands and put it on the table. She bit her lower lip and look at him. "What happened? Why are you--"

"It's all ruined, Lis. My promises, everything was ruined! Everything that I did for you was all gone!" He started shouted making her flinch and stand up from his lap. Her eyes widened at him when he threw the glass on the wall making it scattered into pieces.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook." She whisper and move to touch his arm but he refused and look at her. "The Tower, the building I was hoping to built for you was fucking gone!" She was satisfied inside at his words. He finally knew, huh?

"Kookie, we can-- look, it's nothing. Stop being paranoid, it's fine--"

"Lis, it's not! That was for you! For us!" He shouted again startling her. He tear up the moment he said that and break down.

Fucking hell, JeonfuckingJungkook.

She clench her fist and just ran to hug him, she move to kiss his forehead and wipe his tears. "Baby, look, it's okay. That's nothing. It's fine we can build a new one, right?"

"Can you be honest with me, Lis? Are you the Chairwoman of L&C.."


Lisa caress his hair and tilted her head. After putting the porridge that she cooked for him, she decided to wait until he woke up.

He's slowly opening his eyes and began to frown when the sun hits him in the eye. She bit her lip and  move to cover it for him. "Hey, are you feeling alright?" She ask and help him sit down. She pick up the tray of food with the medicine placed on it. She made a smile, the sweetest as she could give.

"What happened last night? My head is hurting so bad." He groan and drop himself on the bed once again. She sigh, "You drink last night, kookie." She said and caress his messy hair. She smiled and pick up the medicine on the tray and let him drinking it as he did.

She pick up the porridge and decided to feed him to make it look like she fucking care.

After that, she made him rest for a while and told him not to get out of the house. She bit her lip and notice something.

She wasn't supposed to fall in love with him..

Her eyes blink immediately and clench her fist. This needed to be done before it's fucking too late.

But what if it's really too late?

More chapters upcoming are more on fire than this previous one!

I'm loving the sassy Lisa!

I'm hoping this will be a bop!

Thank you for reading my book and have reach this long!🍕

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