10: Misapprehension

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Lisa took a glance at her phone before proceed on walking

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Lisa took a glance at her phone before proceed on walking. She release a long sigh and grip on her bag. She smiled before pressing the bell button, just as the door open, she immediately gave him a warm smile and gave him a hug.

They both get inside and settled on the couch, "You didn't tell me you would come. I could've prepare something." He said and gave her a kiss on the cheek making her release a light giggle. "Ani, Its fine. Besides, I won't take long. I still have an online class to attend," she made a small smile and take off the spectacle and place it on her bag pack.

"Stay a little more longer. I missed you, you know?" He confess and wrap his arms around her, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead this time. She once again giggled, "We're together last night. I even sleep here, and then you miss me?" She teased and smiled, giving him those bright and sunshine smile that he had been admiring all his life. He sigh and suddenly carry her to his lap, her eyes widened and turn to look at him.

"Can't I miss my girlfriend? Aigo, you're being mean to me." He said then pout, caressing her hair before looking down. She giggled, placing her hands right through his cheek and caress it softly, "And you're being childish, don't you?" She tease once again. He finally lifted his head to looked at her and move to touch her nape and pull her into a kiss. She arch her back at the sudden kiss and suddenly grip on his shirt, he tilted his head to the side and close his eyes.

She hum, finally giving in as she close her eyes, she smiled. Pulling away, "You seemed eager today. Did something came up? I called you earlier and you weren't answering. Then, just now, you look so down. Is everything okay?" She suddenly ask, blinking her hooded eyes and smiled at him.

Gosh, she's a sweetheart.

He sigh, caressing her hair and pulled to kiss her once again. He smile and look down for a moment, "I—" he sigh, dropping his hands from her cheek, "Should I really tell you love? I don't think you'll be so happy to hear it." He whispered then bit his lower lip. She release a sigh and smiled at him, "No matter how bad it is, I wouldn't hesitate to comfort you when you feel really bad. Even tho it could hurt me, it's fine, as long as you are. I love you, right?" She caress his cheek, brushing those scar with her hands once again before moving to kiss it softly.

"It's okay. I am fine. Do you want something to eat?" She made a small smile and get off of his lap, "I'll be going back, I still have online class. Let's meet tomorrow at school," she purse her lips and did not hesitate to walk out of his apartment.

She felt so bad because of the fact that he can't even trust him. They have been together for so long, and that small thing really made her uncomfortable. Even when it hurts her, she has the right to know, they should be aware of those commitments they made. But neither do both of them don't even get what it is.

She sigh and started to walk, just as she got out from the building, she decided to take a walk instead of calling a cab. She grip on her bag once again and look down. A habit of hers when she's walking is sternly looking down.

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