37: Mommy Lisa (2)

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“Lee-Min-ah! Let's get you bathed, okay?”

"Ne, mommy!" She smiled and pick him up. She smiled and kiss his cheek, "Your real mom will be back from US. Did you miss her?" She stated and started to undress the cute kid. He nodded and pouted, "But I have you, mommy!" He said and cheekily smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Ok, now let's take a bath. Mommy will bring you to work, do you want that, little Lee?" She bring her to the bathroom and gave her a bath with that big bubble on it and his toys that she specially bought for him. "Yes!" Lee-Min said making her smiled and rolled her eyes.

He dress him like he use to do for the past few weeks. She tried to call her aunt and her mother, but she couldn't reach them, not even Jennie, she was worried, it's almost been a month since they left, and she knew they'll come back so soon. She will miss her small little cousin so much, but she will consider him always in the mansion.

It's not like she'll never see him again..

She bit her lip and drop herself on the bed. "Maybe we should just stay here, is that ok, baby?" She glance at him who's playing on the floor with that toys she bought for him..

The kid simply nodded and smiled..

"Let's go downstairs. Let's watch TV, you want that?" She uttered and touch his chin. He nodded and extended his small arms on her making her giggled and pick him up..

She sigh and walk downstairs..

Even thought she's not going to work, she still has Mina and Taehyung who helped him take care of the works in the company..

And the tower was finally built..

And she named it to Lee Tower, the kid may be her inspiration at this moment. The time when she thought she'll be a mother on the past, happened at this moment.

Lee-Min will be special to him..

And the L&C Star Hotel located near the Gangnam. She will never forget how she get everything with one snap, when she did everything to make Jungkook suffer..

But she was wrong..

She shouldn't started it on the first place and get contented on what she have right now.

The bell ring making her sigh. It must be Mingyu. She walk to open the door and her smile was replaced by a frown. "What are you doing here?" She spoke and look at the back.

She gulp, "Can I get in?" He said and look at the kid on the side.

"No, you can't. Leave." She said and push him out. "Mom!" Lee-Min ran to her with the unfix toys and handed it to her. "Mom, it's-- it's stuck." He whispered and grip on her pajama. She sigh and kneel down, she made a small smile and show him how to fix it.

"Get inside first, okay? Mom needs to talk about something." She said and caress his hair. He nodded and ordered one of the maids to play with him recently on his room that she prepared for the kid. She sigh and finally let him in.

He won't stop till she tells him the truth..

She made him sit on the couch and get themselves some tea. "Are you okay with purple tea?" She uttered and show him, he smile and just nodded. She sigh and brush her hair with her fingers.

"Are you here because of Lee-Min?"

"Is he my son? Is he our kid, Lisa?"

"No, he's not. He's my cousin. Aunt Eun-Shi has something to do in US and I had to keep him. What do you think? That that kid was connected to you? If he is-- then I should've let you know, long ago."

"Really? Did you really let me know about our kid recently who died? You had a miscarriage? Do you think I wouldn't find out, Lisa? Why did you hide it from me?" Her eyes widened and agape her lips. She frown.

"Should you really know about it? Do you have the right? You are the reason why my son died! Because of you! And your wife! You all tortured me! Did you think, I was having a good life for the past five years, Jungkook? So that's why you have fun too? Having all day, all night and continuesly fuck with Tzuyu, having the thought of her as me?" She hiss, dropping her tears on her cheek and intend to cover her trembling lips.

"Don't you talk to me like that when you don't know anything about me for the past five years. You don't deserve me." She whispered, shaking her head in disappointment and wipe her tears away.

He cannot help not to walk and just wrap his arms around her. "Lis.." he whispered, caressing her hair. She did not say anything and just cry silently on his arms..

"I miss you. I miss you so much, Lisa.." he whispered and kiss her hair..

She close her eyes and bit her lip.

I miss you too, so much..

She sigh and slowly push him away. "I think you have to leave. And please, don't bother me again. Don't worry, I will let you know where my son's graveyard is, I promise. Just don't— don't ever comeback here." She muttered and wipe her tears away.

She look at him and sigh.

"It's better if we should just forget each other.."

Ending is coming ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Unedited (2)

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