09: A Threat

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He drive midway to his real home after spending his time with Lisa

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He drive midway to his real home after spending his time with Lisa. After all, he couldn't care less, some unimportant things came up that made their date with his girlfriend went wrong downhill. He took a deep breath and gripped on the steering wheel. He didn't take too long and arrived at the Jeon Villa. He made a face and got off of his car and proceed walking.

"Young Master." A maid immediately greeted him inside. The maid politely bow and smile, looking at him, "Where's my father?" He uttered and looked at her, "Master Jeon is in his study room, young master." She said then bow again. He sigh and walk casually upstairs to the said room. He frown when he met a lady midway, on her early 30's. "Oh! So you're hubby's son?" The lady said then walk closer to him making him frown.

He did rolled his eyes, thinking it's one of his father's mistress. "Get out of my house." He whispered and look down, clenching hi fist just as the lady was about to touch his shoulder, "Oh, but—"

"I said get out!" He shouted, startling everyone in the mansion. The lady looked at him in disbelief and gasp, "Oh god, why did Joo-Kyun raise such a disrespectful kid." The lady whisper and fix her skirt before disappearing in his sight. He sigh heavily and prevent himself from hitting someone right now.

After that, he angrily barge inside his father's room only to find him looking out the window with a yellow folder on his hands. He sigh firmly and turn around only to see him. Jungkook angrily close the door, "You bring another woman again?! Dad, for fucks sake! Are you going to continue this?! What if mom knew this?!" He shouted angrily, he sounded so much like nagging his own father.

The man angrily throw the yellow folder to him making him frown. He took a seat and open it. His eyes widened immediately. It's a picture of him and Lisa walking to his apartment, the other one is on the familiar shop where they both share a sweet kiss and a homely hug.

"You dare to talk that to me when you're seeing someone without me knowing?!" He scoff and immediately throw the pictures. "Why do you even care? I am only doing everything as you say when it comes to the company. Because I have the 49% share of the company, Grandfather gave it to me. I am not doing this for you." He uttered angrily. His voice was clearly showing every piece of feeling he had kept.

His father chuckled in disbelief and walk to him, "I don't like the idea, Jungkook. You're right. I know what you're doing, you're doing everything for you mother and for your grandparents, not for me I know. And I am doing everything for you, son. This is for you. And dating her will only be a big dirt on your name."

"What did you just say? How dare you talk to her like that. She's there for me the whole time I am needing someone by my side every night I heard your argument with mom. Every night you brought some dirty woman in this house hearing everything you do is disgusting. And she's there, she's the one who take care of me when I was about to lose my self, she's the one who's with me when I needed somebody. And she loves me with all her heart without any hesitation. But you? You dare talk about that to her when the fact that you can't even act like a father to me?"

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