13: Show Up

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"You know what, we should go there

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"You know what, we should go there. It looks so fun." Lisa smiled widely and dragged him to that said thing, "Wow, I told you this is nice." She uttered softly and smiled at him. He giggled at her and watch her play, "Yah, Ms. Manoban, are you well awared that you're too pretty today?" He uttered and caress her hair. "Aw, you're making me lost." She uttered and put the gun down and turn to look at him.

"Don't you think we should go back? They must be waiting for us." She uttered softly and touch his arm right on her cheek. He nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She made a small smile as they both walk out.

They both show up in the festival on time as she slowly let go of his hands and gave him a small smile before walking to her friends. And he walk to his friends. Lisa sigh and cling onto Mina's arm. "How's your date, missy? Me and Tae suddenly looked for you for taking too long." She said and looked at her. Lisa made a small smile, "Well, we should roam around the festival, I hope no body see us, specially his fianceé." She uttered and made a small smile.

Mina slowly nodded her head and proceed on watching the festival.

A week have passed, and guess what, she's fucked up, her life is so fucked up. She couldn't think of anything because she's hurt and she's in pain all over. That he cause specifically.

But hell, that forgiveness that she can't seem to process on why did he forgive him after all. Maybe because she loved him this much? He explained everything that includes his relationship with her, they spend the time together on those remaining days. But she always thought of letting go someday. She can't stay like that, they can't stay like that.

He's going to get married so so soon, and she don't want to stay a mistress. It hurts her also to see them both like that, they both aware of those commitments to come, after all, their relationship is stronger than they both thought. Those stupid rumors won't make them part away.

After the program of them festival, everyone enjoy having fun and did the tour. Everyone is happy at the thought of this, it's not new though, but it isn't old either. Lisa and Mina roamed around for a while as they both stopped on the coffee shop that is opened. They both ordered a cup of Americano latté and take a seat near them. They both observe how everyone is enjoying at this.

"This day is so— so happy. I mean, I never got the chance to have a date with you." Mina suddenly said by her side and looked at her making her smile. "Me too." She said and smiled once again. "Where is Taehyung?" Lisa ask and looked around, he isn't with them after all. "Oh, he went somewhere, he'll be here later at night. Lis, we should go and watch the concert live!" Mina then squealed beautifully at her side making her giggled, "We should then," she uttered and take a sip on her Americano latté.

"I was expecting you to say no, maybe you'll hang out with Jungkook again later." Mina pouted at her and rest her head on her shoulder making her once again giggled. "Well, we can't be together for too long. People might saw us." She said and made a faint smile.

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