08: Unsaved

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"Tae, can you suggest something for our group project? I mean, you're so good at English

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"Tae, can you suggest something for our group project? I mean, you're so good at English." Lisa made a small smile, Taehyung sigh before position himself, "Aigo, Lisa-yah, I'm good at English too, you know?" Mina then spoke right there making the two of them giggled in amusement. "Okay then, you both suggest." She said and smiled.

Lisa take note all the ideas from the two and nod her head. "After this, we three need to go to the library to research something." She said, putting her note in her bagpack and wear it, "Okay then, Ms. Independent. We're right by your side,"Taehyung then wink at her making her giggled. The three of them walk back to there room.

"Hey, Lis, Mina, you guys go first. I still have to meet someone." Taehyung suddenly spoke and stop midway making them both frown and turn to look at her, "Well, okay, don't take too long." Mina said and smiled at him. The guy hum and nod before walking away. "Taehyung is getting more suspicious day by day, you know?" Lisa giggled, looking at the beauty right by her side. "Let him be. I for sure think he's Inlove or something." She said making the other giggled, rolling her eyes.

They both reach there room and went to there proper seat. She glance at Jungkook who's doing something and Yeri right by his side is recently— seeking for some attention which he never gave. She sigh and look back at the board.

Then, everyone walk back to there proper seat as there homeroom teacher came in. "Good Morning, class. So, as you all heard, the Golden festival has been moved because of some personal reason. So today, I am currently telling everyone to prepare a little program to entertain our guest. Seoul National University is a big school, and mostly, we're the best. In some matter, I wanted this program to be hold by Kim Yerim."

"Yeri is the head Manager of this class. You need to come up with an idea that for sure will entertain everyone. Jungkook, you're the student Council president, I wanted you to group everyone. I'll give you guys this day to come up with an idea. Good luck. Please impressed us."

Then the room turn into chaos just as the homeroom teacher left. Everyone once again cheer when Yeri stand up from her chair and walk infront with that casual smirk on her lips, "You all heard her, right? So now, I already come up with an idea." She said and smirk, eyeing everyone in the room.

"So, first of all. The main character here is Elaine and Christopher. Don't freak out, I will be the one who'll decide. Elaine will be— Mina!" Everyone's eye once again landed on the said girl. Mina's eyes widened immediately, pointing her finger at herself, "M-Me?" She uttered, looking at everyone who smirk in amusement at her. Her eyes landed on Lisa who gave her a sweet smile.

"Of course you, dummy. And, Christopher will be— Jungkook!" Yeri giggled, pointing at the said man and smile. Everyone then cheer, clapping there hands at him. Jungkook sigh and stand up from the chair, shifting her eyes to Lisa who gave her a tight smile. "No. I am the Student Council president. I am not taking the role, pick somebody else." He said and met eyes with Yeri. The girl shrugged and pout.

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