11: Trampled

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She folded the shirts and place it well on her drawer before standing up from the floor

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She folded the shirts and place it well on her drawer before standing up from the floor. She sigh and walk out of her room and went to her aunt's room. She knock first and open the door, she made a small smile. "Lisa-yah." She heard her sweetly speak and signal her to come. She smiled and walk to the bed and gave her aunt a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She frown, her aunt started shaking, as her lips trembled and unbidden tears escape her eyes. She look down and continue to sob making Lisa frown, "A-auntie. What is it? W-What are you sorry for?" She worriedly ask and caress her cheek, wiping the tears again once again.

"Lisa, I took everything away from you. Everything that includes your happiness." She confess, she couldn't help but to sob once again. She look miserable, and somewhat-- she looks so much like a guilty person. Lisa frown in confusion once again. She couldn't process it in her brain once again and started to think hard. "Auntie, what are you saying?"

"This may be my punishment, sweetie. This may be my punishment." She mumbled then hugged her, cry in her arms as much as she can and started to regret. "Lisa. Please promise me, whatever might happened to me, please, stay with me no matter what. I risk everything for you, Lisa. I have loved you all my life. You're like my daughter, I cannot give you up. You're my daughter. I cannot let you go."

"A-Auntie. You're scaring me, what are you trying to say? Please let me understand. It hurts me to see you like this." A tear then left her eye, she felt so bad at this state.

In a blink of an eye, everything change. "A-niyo. I was saying that— you should stay with me, okay? U-uh. Why don't you go out for some time now? I should take a rest." She frown, her aunt lay down on the bed and close her eyes with a smile left on her lips. It drives her more crazy to think about it. What does she mean? She can't understand every single detail she said.

Yet she needs to find out. Is this even related to her own mother?

She frustratingly got off of the bed and gulp. She distance away from the sleeping lady and walk out of her room. She slowly close the door and sigh, she rested her head on the edge and started to blink her eyes.

Then, she flinch when she heard her phone was ringing. She walk slowly as she can go her room and take the call from him. "Where are you? You didn't come to my apartment? Lis, I am worried sick. Are you okay? Should I--"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't really got the chance to talk to you, I was just so busy." She sigh and took a sit on the edge of the bed and look down. "Come out. I'm outside your house." She heard him hang up that recently made her sigh once again. She did not hesitate to come out of the house and saw a black car parked on the side near, she glance at it and started to take a walk.

She open the door and got in. She sigh and slowly looked at him, "What should we talk about? I'm kinda busy right now so--"

"No, leave it. Lisa, I told you to go to my apartment yesterday. Where were you? I waited for you there. I thought something happened to you." He said, her voice sounded more softer, and his expression scream extremely worried about her. He move his hands to touch her cheek and brush it lightly. She blink her doe eyes and look down.

"Did you not know? I recently showed up last night. I even ring the bell of your apartment, but then, our new classmate came, I didn't know she would know your apartment. You told me I am the only person who knows it, right? I was so shocked, Jungkook. I ask her why she showed up, and it hit me like a long, lost, crazy, stupid, puppy. She did answer me. 'I am here to see my fianceé.'," a sob escape her lips and then push his hands away from her face.

"And it made me think. 'Did Jungkook ever love me? Maybe he did, but he didn't trust me enough. I trust him all my life, and I can't think of nothing but you, and her, it kept on slapping me how foolish I am. How stupid Inlove I am with you." She cried then let it all out. So suddenly, she felt like her world fall apart, a thing that was unexpected to happened clearly show up right infront of her.

It was a bit ease to find out the truth, atleast he won't kept pretending on lying anymore..

After all, he was left speechless, he cannot bare to see her suffer like this because of her, he loved her so much, so much that he couldn't ask for anything else. His love for her was more than enough to let the world knows that he's Inlove with one entitled girl.

"Lis, let me explain this. It was all a misunderstanding, that day she was enrolled in our school, I hadn't even have an idea. And that dinner, it was all a sudden too, and we're announce engage at the papers, I call you, and found out you were crying, I told you to come to my apartment so I can explain everything, but then Tzuyu show up and she ended up telling you that. Lis, I wasn't awared of any of that, if I had--"

"Either way, I couldn't believe you said yes to it?" She interrupt, those words that left his mouth says nothing but truth, but there is one lie that completely ruined it. "You could've said no, right? But you choose to say yes?" She added again, her tears was none stop this time.

She don't deserve this..

"Lisa, I had no choice! I had to say yes for your sake! It's all for you! You know dad, you know what he is! Lisa, I am doing this to protect you! Can't you see? I cannot even looked at her for a while when my heart is only beating for you." Slowly, she looked at him. And that's when she found out that he's also crying all this.

He's also hurting just like her. He took the chance to hold her hand tight, kissing it lightly as he close his eyes. "I may not be in the right place to say this. But Lis, please don't give up on us, I won't give up on us too. This engagement won't last too long. It'll be publish everyone. But don't worry, this won't last too long I promise. I love you so much, and no one can stop me from loving you this much." He whispered, pressing his head against her and finally move to kiss her.


"Hey, you're spacing out again." Lisa shifted her eyes to him and made a small smile as she look down. She can't just admit that up until now, she is still upset because of this things. This things that'll forever make everything turn upside down.

"Can I go home now? I still need to finish my study's." She uttered softly and looked at him. She gave him a small smile. He sigh before kissing her hair and nodded her head, "I'll send you, okay? Let's meet tomorrow at school." He said and smile. They both got out of his bed and walk to outside the building. They both got in his car as he started to drive.

After all, she feel so odd and not in the mood to talk. She wanted space and wanted to think for now, it keeps her occupied to think about this imbecile stuffs. She sigh and just play with her fingers. She cannot even stand the silence, it feels so awkward and feel so dull. It's making her thoughts more complicated and those questions are rhetorical.

They both didn't take too long to arrived at the right time in her house. She got out of the car and took a glance at him and smile, "Bye. I'll see you tomorrow at school." She uttered and smiled at him. That never reaches her eyes. The guy nodded and smiled. She immediately turn her back, "Lis." But then he called her making her look back to him once again.

She met his eyes specifically. And he clearly read everything on those tempting eyes..

He sigh and grip on the steering wheel, "I love you." He whispered, good enough for her to heard and smiled. Lisa bit her lower lip and nodded her head, nevertheless, it still hesitate her to said it back because of the circumstances, but it didn't stop her though.

"I love you too. Bye, take care." She smiled and wave her hands, he smile widely and finally drive through. And then, her smile dropped at that. She did rest at her room for while, she decided to not talk to her aunt about this yet because she's extremely ill. She cannot even help not to get worried at this point..

But after all, it didn't escape her mind how he broke her heart into pieces...


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