05: A Commitment

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Upon seeing him, she smiled and slightly wave her hands

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Upon seeing him, she smiled and slightly wave her hands. The guy smiled and walk to her. "Hey," he said, engulfing her in hug which she never hesitate, she smiled and look at him, "You looked happy." He added then caress her cheek. She smile once again, placing her hands on her pocket, "Let's just say, I got the highest grades in school." She said and once again hugged him making him giggled. "Right, genius."

"I should treat you, you've been a good girl lately." He added and pat her head as she smiled, "Not at all. I think I should be the one treating you right now," she then nod and smiled, "No. I won't allow that. A boyfriend should treat their girlfriend like a living princess, right?" He said making her laugh, "But seriously, I think that's enough. I really look like I'm a gold digger," she said then pout. He sigh before pulling her against his chest. "That was the dumbest excuse I've her heard, miss Kim." He said then kiss her cheek making her smile.

"Come on. My car is waiting." He said again and finally pull her to his car. They both ended up in his car, as he was saying, he'll treat her which isn't a good decision to her.

The ride didn't take long that she had expected, she frown when the place is so unfamiliar. Nonetheless, it's beautiful and it's the only place that she didn't expect.

A beach date.

She smiled at him when she felt his hands around her, "What'd you say?" He ask before turning to look at her. She cheekily smile and nod, "Impressive." He only respond which a kiss which she never hesitate to kiss back.  He immediately drag her on there, they both sat on the blanket that is place beautifully on sand together with a fancy basket which she thought was food. She smiled and looked at him, "Is this a date, Mr. Jeon?" She teased and smile.

He recently chuckled, kissing the tip of her head before nodding, "That's right," he smiled making her nod. "I never expected you'd bring me here." She uttered and stared at the shore.

It just made her more happy-- to the fact that it's almost sunset. "I know you'll like it here." He said with his deep voice, maintaining his eyes on her. She hum and bit her lip, " You're indeed romantic," he chuckled and tightened his hold on her.

"Are you cold? Do you want us to eat? I've prepared something." He ask softly, looking at her while caressing her hair. She nod and made a half smile. He finally took the basket that is recently filled with foods. "I brought you some gamjatang?" She immediately lit up at that, "And mandu." He said and smile, he place that infront of them and opened them one by one. They both ended up eating with full of desire and happiness.

This day was really meant to be for them, after all, they both burden those problems right now. Because today it's about them. It's about Lalisa and Jungkook. No distractions.

"I think I'll be taking med school." She started, playing with his hands as she lay right on his lap, looking up the sky and witnessed how the stars shine so bright just for them. He smiled and caress her cheek, "You? Are you planning?" She said then shifted her eyes to him and smile. He smile widely and shake his head, "I'll be handling our company."

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