36: Mommy Lisa

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"Oh! My daughter you're here! Look who's here?" Alice suddenly grab her hand softly and help her sit on the couch. Geez, she just woke up and wanted to have some pancakes.

"So, sweetie, you know that I'll be in US for some matter first with your sister, right?" Lisa nodded and ordered the main to prepare her some breakfast. Her mother smiled and pat her back.

"You'll be babysitting Eun-Shi's son for the mean time.."

"What?! Why me?!" She point herself and look at the woman in front of her who giggled. She's now holding the boy. A kid, and had the guts to babysit, like what the fu--

"Aunt Eun-Shi! Why me? I have so many things to do and--"

"Of course not, you still can't be at work while I won't be home. I'm not letting that happened, lady. Mingyu will be checking you 24 hours. No buts." Her mother simply sip on the tea and let the cute boy come to her hands.

The kid kept on looking at her with a fear in his eyes. She tilted her head and decided to pick him up. "How old is he, aunt Eun-Shi? I think he looks like me so much." She uttered and smiled. She suddenly remembered her unborn baby..

"He's 4, he'll turn 5 next three months. I'm sure your dad will be happy to see you finally babysitting, Lili." Her aunt started and smiled at her. She smiled and nodded, caressing the kids hair. "Ok, I can take care of him." She said and smiled at Eun-Shi and her mom.

Eun-Shi was the only sibling of her father who pass away. She often visit her on US and on her therapy. Eun-Shi is her doctor. She often meets the kid but never got interested to him..

"What's his name again, aunt? He's not even talking to me." She whisper and look at the cute boy who's looking away. Eun-Shi giggled, "He's Lee-Min. I had to name him with the first name of your name. Since your father never got the chance to meet you, he was the one who decided for me to that. He looks just like you." Eun-Shi smiled at her..

"Well! Now that it's settled! We can finally leave for US! Take good care of your cousin, Lalisa. Lee-Min don't often talk but really loves to play and to hang out. Me and your aunt will be out for a while, and tonight will be our flight. I will let you both hang out, I won't mind." Alice smiled and kiss her cheek before going out of the mansion with her aunt.

She pouted in anger and softly put down the kid..

She smiled and touch his chin, "You look like me, Lee-Min-shi." She uttered and touch his face and smiled.

Lee-Min was smiling brightly at this point that made her eyes widened, "Are you smiling sweetie?" She talked and gasp when the kid giggled cutely. Gosh, he's so adorable.

"Eomma." He called softly. His voice even sound so cute. She hiss and pouted, "Call me, aunt Lili, ok?" She said and wink at him. He giggled again, poking her cheek with his cute small fingers. "Eomma." He repeated with the same voice and smiled.

"Eomma left a bit, okay? You're staying with aunt Lili for the mean time. Is that ok with you, Lee-Min-ah?" She talk and pick him up again, he told the maids to bring the food up and ready some desert for the kid. What she means was an ice cream!

She brought him to her room and close the door. "Do you want to play with my phone? I have lots of games, you want that?" She uttered and happily pick up her phone, she downloaded some games for good.

"Ani, eomma. Eomma." He kept calling her that making her sigh and pick him up, making him sit on her bed and she smiled. "I'll be your eomma, okay? Real eomma isn't here yet? Call me mommy. I'm your mommy Lisa for now." She uttered and pat his head.

He smiled and suddenly jump to her, circling his small cute arms around her neck making her flustered and look at him. "Mommy Lisa!" He called energetically and finally hugged her. She giggled at him and caress his hair. "You want food? Mommy Lisa will bring you food, you want that?" She spoke and smiled at him.

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