19: Fallen

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That's all he wanted to right now. He wanted to reset everything, he wanted to get away from this shits that kept on making him guilty. But right now, he can't help not to stared at her. Her hair is covering her face which made him smile. She sigh and move her hair away, revealing her ethereal face. He smiled and place a soft kiss on her forehead before pulling her closer. She had release a groan and snuggle right on his neck.

He release a giggle. Right now, he was happy, he cannot help not to touch her at this point. He didn't even know how he touch her for the past 6 hours. He sigh and place a soft kiss on her forehead this time. He cannot help not to admire her, she's sleeping soundly with those duvet covering their naked body.

He was processing these. He was more than happy. He wanted to stay with her at this point, that's the only thing that he wanted..

He smiled when she started to open her eyes slowly. They met gaze specifically. She smiled and close her eyes once again, she move closer to him and release a sigh, "Does it hurt?" He ask softly, he caress her hair gently and just stared at her. She sigh and nodded her head.

"Are you hungry? I can cook you some breakfast." He whispered softly making her release a light chuckle and smile, "Can you?" He nodded his head and give her a soft kiss..

After that, he had cook her some of her favorite food like he said. He was beyond excited at this moment. He sigh and place his hand on his waist before finally walking in the room. She saw her packing something on her bag which made him frown. She did not notice him though. He smiled, and slowly, he walk, he wrap his arms around her waist and pull her. She flinch at that and sigh.

"God, you startled me." She uttered and turn to look at him. He did not say anything and place his head on her shoulder. He notice her smiled and turn to him, "Did you cook already? I'm seriously hungry." She pouted her lips making him giggle and just stole a kiss like that. He pulled her out of the room and made her sit.

He heard her gasp making him giggle. "I prepared some of your favorite foods. I hope it still taste the same." He said and gave her a wink making her giggle. "Join me at least. It'll for sure taste better if you do." Lisa again said and gesture him to come close. He smiled and sat down beside her.

They both ended up eating together. They're laughing, they both look so fine and look so gorgeous. And he cannot even tell how he misses those laugh and giggles. He still cannot believe that there she is, sitting by his side and lovingly talk to him. He always love how she speak, her voice is keeping him sane.

Those long years of missing her, he spend his time with her. Unending touches, unending kisses, unending love making for this day. He always consider a this day the best because he spend his moment with her. She didn't say anything though and just go with him. He still cannot deny how he felt, everytime he get satisfied by those pleasure, he cannot help not to burst out his love for her.

But she ended up saying nothing, kissing him senselessly to make him shut it. She never gave it back. And he's waiting for it. This may be not the right time yet, after all, he hurted her. And he knew that it'll be hard to make her forgive.

He had explained everything. But he notice something, she felt so uneasy and just go with it. She never said anything and just nodded, and the way she talk, the way her movements go, makes him wanted to know her more..

She had change..

She may look like an angel at this moment, but right now, he cannot even say what he felt, the way she talk to him is really something.

She became so— rough..

He bit his lip and watches her with her phone. He tilted his head and notice those purple marks all around her neck, through her collar bone. She did not say anything thought. She is now recently wearing one of his shirt with her undergarments in. He always used to her wearing pajamas, and her hoodies. She felt difficult upon wearing shorts, and shirts. Just like right now.

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