32: Alice And Lisa

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Lisa sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose before pressing her head against the chair..

"Gyu, how could you say that? It wasn't my plan to let him find out about my kid." She uttered, giving the man the faintest look. He sigh, "Don't you think that he also deserves to know? Are you keeping it to him?" He told her, looking away. She clench her jaw, "He doesn't deserve to know anything about myself and my child. Just because he's the father, that doesn't mean he has the right to walk in and out of my life."

"Lis, that's not what I meant. Don't get me wrong." He said, looking at her..

"I know, I know what you mean, ok? Let's just— shove it away. He doesn't care anymore. Maybe we should just meet mom at the airport." She muttered, she walk to pick up her bag and her coat on the near.

She glance at him and nodded her head, "Let's go?" She ask, making him sigh and stand up too. She walk to cling her arms around his and walk out of the office, with her bodyguards and her assistant on the back.

"I'll be on the restroom first. Wait for me at the parking area." Lisa uttered and softly smiled at him before walking away and walk through the restroom on the side..

She wash her hands on the sink and re-do her make-up. Today, she'll meet her mother after four months. She misses her as much as she misses her aunt who died. She took a deep breath. She honestly still don't feel too comfortable with her real mother, she is always used to her aunt, the one who stand as her mother, as always.

She always question the time why her biological mother ended up leaving her into her aunt's hands, when she can't take care of her more better than her aunt can, she still won't get the proper answer after how many attempt.

Having Alice Merrovigia's daughter should be perfect. Should be very smart, strong, and very courageous..

"Wh-Where am I? Who are you?" As soon as she open her eyes, unfamiliar people immediately catch her attention. She is in a big hospital room, she has this oxygen that is place in her nose to keep her breathing good, and have this syringe injected on her arm.

"Lisa, my daughter.." The woman in a blonde hair move to touch her arm, and hug her immediately making her eyes widened..

What did she just called her?

"What?" She whispered, looking at the woman who hugged her, with actual tears in her eyes. "Lisa, sweetie. It's me, I'm your mom." She said, she move to caress her cheek and that tears in her eyes just can't stop. Her lips are trembling, even her hands are shaking..

"H-How? Y-You— I.." she uttered a word, but failed to said it so. She's too confused at this moment. She can't get to the point..

"I am your mother, Lisa. Lucy, was my sister. The one who raise you.." Alice said, shaking her head and cover her lips with her hands. "After so many years, I finally got the chance to hug you, to hold you, and call you as my daughter. My baby.." Alice once again hug her, can't help not to sob anymore.

And she, even she can't help her tears..

She's too overwhelmed.

She bit her lip and just wrap her hand around her too. She close her eyes, she remember her aunt, Lucy. She was the most special person in her life. And she won't deny that. Her love for Lucy was much more than her love for her real mother..

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm sorry. Mommy didn't got the chance to hug you like this. Lucy took you away from me, baby. She took you away from me.."

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