06: An Empire

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He lazily groaned and indeed rolled down to the bed

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He lazily groaned and indeed rolled down to the bed. The flight was stressing him after all. He sigh and took out his phone. The only person he can think right now is his girlfriend. He decided to call her. That didn't take really long for her to answer, "Hey there." He started, smiling ear to ear as he sat down. He's really Inlove.

"Hey. How was your flight? You should rest though," she said softly, hearing that she's walking. He sigh and bit his lip, "I can't sleep. I miss you." He confessed and smile once again, she mentally giggled, "I miss you too. I hope you can come back soon." She said and sigh, "I don't even know why dad needs to make me come. I even skip classes for this," he sigh then brush his hair with his fingers. "I am certainly right when your dad wanted you to learn about business, especially when you're holding the company."

"You're right. Thank God I have a genius girlfriend." He added that made her giggled once again, "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" She uttered, "We will meet someone tomorrow. Dad's business partner. They're very close."

"That's great. I hope you do well there. I'll cheer for you here." He smiled and giggle, "You should be," he mockingly replied making her laugh this time. "I must be distributing my girlfriend." He exclaimed, standing up from his bed and walk to the balcony, feeling more relax and happy at the same time. "Not really, we have a break time. We're having a group project right now," he then frown, "Who's your partner by the way?"

"It's Mina. You know, she's nice and pretty. And we're now friends. And I am happy. She treat me lunch today. She told me that— Yeri also bullied her." He sigh and bit his lip, "I thought it was a guy. That Taehyung guy," she giggle once again, "What's up with Tae? He's just my friend, bunny. And besides, girls to girls, and boys is to boys." She then giggle again making him sigh and made a small smile. "I was just— it's making me jealous, love." He exclaimed and pouted.

"I can say that." She said making him shake his head in amusement..

"Oh, I gotta go. Mina call me." She added making him sigh, "Okay. Take care okay? Tell me if someone hurt you there. Don't stick too much with Taehyung. I love you."

"I love you too. I promise, not to stick with my bestfriend, and to tell you if anybody hurt me. Have a good day!" She hang up the phone call. He lit up at that and smiled. The happiness was too much to make him burst. The only thing that'll make him feel better is to at least heard his girlfriend's voice is more than enough. 

He sigh and stared outside. So many thoughts linger inside his head. The moment he felt happy, it makes him thought how deeply in love he is with that girl he recently called just now. The feeling that he can't express is enough to tell how his world turn became hers. Being Inlove— is a thing that can make him forgot how to be mad, how to lie, and how to fight. He's weak because of her.

Will they last long? Will those promises are meant to be granted in the future? Will they fall out of love?

After all, he isn't the type of person who has the habit to predict the future. Because when they're meant to be together, those rhetorical question will fade away and let the fate provide. In his life, there's no impossible when it comes to the person who'm he love the most. The thought of losing someone from somebody didn't cross his mind..

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