04: Ink

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I grip on my bag real tight as I entered the classroom

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I grip on my bag real tight as I entered the classroom. As expected, everyone is chitchatting while some are- waiting for someone? I sigh and ignore it. It's been two days since the argument, and it's been two days since we both ignore each other. I can't do anything with that.

My eyes suddenly landed on him who just entered the room. His gaze went to me but immediately look away after. If he's still angry, I can't do anything and wait until he calm his nerves down.

Back when the argument, I was angry and furious at the news that Yeri said, that me and Tae suddenly kissed. Its completely a lie. And he believed that. I understand him tho.

I sigh and open my pad. I heard some noises made me look up. Then I saw some few girls squealing making me frown. I was once again shock when I saw Taehyung entered the room. What the?

His eyes suddenly landed at me and gave me his boxy smile. I gulp and look down, afraid if someone might caught it and I'll be the loser again. I glance at Jungkook who's looking at him intently. I made a deep sigh and bit my lip. I saw him sit on-- Yeri's seat. I look at him and look back at my book.

Not too long when Yeri and her friends came inside. I look at them, then her eyes landed on me as she rolled her eyes. She suddenly gasp when she saw Taehyung. Well. "Oh, Mr, I'm sorry but that's our seat actually." She said sassily and cross her arms. Taehyung suddenly sigh. "I'm sorry too but- I sit here now." The kids suddenly turn their gaze to the two of them who's now into fight.

"Do you even know me? Mr. No body?!" Yeri exclaimed and glare at him. Taehyung didn't budge to answer and just stared at the three of them. But before she could even talk, a voice interrupt her that- made us all shocked.

"Yeri, you can sit here. Just let him be. I hate noisy." I blink my eyes severally and look at him. Jungkook never think on having someone besides him except me. But now, it's so unbelievable. Yeri suddenly smile happily as the other kids gasp at the sudden scene. Jungkook met gaze with me, I immediately look away and blink my eyes. He did really do that, didn't he?


The class ended in the way it was. I fix my things and didn't bother to look at everyone before leaving the room. I raise my brow when a hand caught my arm. I look at it and saw Taehyung. "Hey, Lis." He started and gave me a smile. I smile faintly, "You need something Tae?" I ask softly and blink my eyes. "Can you accompany me to the cafeteria? I kinda don't know where to go." He said and scratch his nape. I chuckled lightly.

"Okay, I can do that." I said and made a half smile. We arrived at the cafeteria and I lead him to the counter to order. "There, you can order." I said and pointed at the counter. "Can you at least come with me, Lis?" He ask again and suddenly pout. This cute little alien..

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