29: Gone

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Lisa scream on the top of her lungs as she sent the person in front of her such a dagger eyes. She pull her hair together in frustration as she glared deadly at the woman infront of her.

"You fucking ruined everything!!" She yelled at the woman and glare at her. She was so mad and furious at this point. The woman look down in fear, sobbing helplessly as she ask for forgiveness and rub her hands together. She look away and scoff on anger. "How can you get it back? Should I take your life instead?!" She yelled at her again, grabbing her hair hard and pull her closer to her.

The woman cry in fear, still rubbing her hands together for her forgiveness. "P-Please, I'll do a-anything you say— just p-please don't k-kill me.." she cried out loud when she grip on her hair more tight.

She scoff, "Because of you, and your fucking sneaky hands, my business partners turn there back on me. And guess what, your life isn't enough to pay for it." Her voice lowered, despite the anger in it, she remained calm, trying hard not to kill the person she's torturing with her hands right now.

She let go of her hair and watch her beg in her knees, "I'll do anything you say, Ms. Chairwoman. Anything. Just please, don't fire me. Forgive me. I beg you, Ms. Lalisa. I'm sorry. I'll do anything you say, I'll do anything. I— just please. Let me work." The woman cried infront of her.

She scoff and rolled her eyes..

"Be my eye in Jeon Group. Then, I'll easily forgive you. I promise not to get your family involve." She uttered and sit back to her seat. She cross her legs and watch the woman stand up, still bowing at her. Finally accepting the offer.

"Apply as Jeon Jungkook's secretary, then, easily sneak and report me everything about him and his work. Then, I'll forgive you. How bout' that?" The woman immediately agreed and she ordered her to get out of her office. She sigh in frustration as curse that woman immediately.

She accidentally decline few of her business partners offers which made them turn there back on her.

And fuck, it's getting on her nerves. But thats not the problem anymore. She's getting worried, Jeon Group's rates are getting higher, topping her rates. And that's adding her headache more. She really needed her mother to arrive here and help her revive the empire..

After a while, her door opened revealing Mingyu with a frown on his face. He suddenly pointed outside. "What happened to your employee? She was crying." He ask and walk to sit on one of the chair. She made a face and rolled her eyes, "My business partners are furious when she freaking decline every offer with her fucking hands. I don't even know how did that happened?! That clearly says she's fucking someone and holding everything on the computer!" She said, then, Mingyu laugh.

"You look so funny when you're angry." He joke and smiled at her. She pouted her lips in anger and look away, "You're mean. Why don't you treat me for some lunch today? That would be interesting." She smiled beautifully at him and blink her eyes beautifully.

"I'm actually here for that. Now, may we have our lunch?"


After lunch, she still remember to visit her son. She sigh and reach his graveyard. She made a small smile and put the bouquet of flowers right there and touch his grave. She felt a soft squeeze on her shoulder, which she thought it was Mingyu who's always been there for her.

She look at him and smiled when he also put the bouquet of white roses on it which he bought by himself earlier. She sigh, "I'm sorry baby, mommy is too busy. I didn't got the chance to come yesterday." She uttered softly and smiled. "I promise to come here tomorrow." She said again and touch his grave one more time.

" Uncle Mingyu is with me, he's too excited to meet you too." She said and look at the guy beside her who smiled and pull her closer to his chest. She bit her lip, how she wish he made it alive.

They could've bond when he made it alive, they she could've been happy if he made it alive. But fate is too unfair..

After spending most of the time on her son's graveyard with Mingyu, they both decided to went back to the company..

"Are you busy today? Did I took your time?" She suddenly said and look at him who's driving. He smiled and glance at her, "Ani, being with you isn't a waste of time, remember that." He said and smiled making her giggle so suddenly and look away. "Keep joking. I know you skip your meeting's just for me. Thanks though." She smiled and glance at him.

He sigh and grip on the wheel, "Have you seen the news today?" He ask out of the blue and look at her. She hum and simply nodded her head. "I did." She exclaimed and clear her throat.

He look away, not wanting to cross the line. "Lady Alice will be here next three days. And I wanted you to avoid issues, you know what she can do." He change the sudden topic that made them quiet. She hum and nodded again.

Not too long when he stop the vehicle and she got out of the car. He did the same and catch up to her. He suddenly reach for her wrist making her look at him and arch her brow. He suddenly lean to whisper something to her ear which she get it immediately. She gulp and look away, taking her hands away from him before nodding her head..

At that, he gave her a last hug before he left the company..

She sigh and walk to her office. Her secretary is already standing on the side and bow at her when she got the sigh of her. "Ms. Lalisa, someone came to see you. I take my leave." Her secretary bow once again before leaving the office.

She frown immediately and look at the person who's back facing her..

Once he turn around, her eyes immediately widened.


"Lalisa, I told you to call me Bambam, didn't I?" He said, he walk towards her and he flash a smile. She chuckled in disbelief and offered him to sit which he gladly did. "This is so sudden. I am— flustered." She stated and cross her legs.

"I am here for a deal, Ms. Lalisa. I talked to Kim Mingyu and he told me to talk this to you." He exclaimed, she frown and get it. That's what Mingyu had whisper to her.

"Joo-Kyun, the former owner of the Jeon Group stole a lot of money from me." He started, and she's immediately interested.

Joo-Kyun? Does he mean, Jungkook's father?

She gulp and look at him, "Apparently, Jeon Jungkook is now holding the company, and I suppose, the finance's he used to build the Jeon building in Itaewon, was my own money his father stole." He said and stared at her who remain silent.

"So, are you saying that you need my help?"


Lisa look away in an instant and sigh. "What should we do then?"



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