03: Bestfriend

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It's not yet a frisky saturday for me

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It's not yet a frisky saturday for me. I folded the laundry since I'm done washing the plates. I sigh and put it in my closet. As I finish folding auntie's, I knock on her room. She welcome me with a smile. "I told you I'm going to fold the laundry.." she said and look at me. I smile. "It's okay auntie. You already clean the house." I said and put it to her closet. After that, I made a smile and look at her.

"Thank you, Lis. It's okay, you can go if you wanted to go out. We don't have anything to do now." I smile and hum. "Are you sure? Your room looks dusty, should I clean it auntie?" I ask and look around. I wasn't even wrong. "Lisa, stop overworking. It's fine sweety. I can handle it.."

"Are you sure?" I ask one more time. She nod and pat my shoulder. "Oh! By the way- here." I raise my brow and look at it. "Take it. It's your allowance." I look at her and raise my brow. "Auntie, w-where did you get this money?" I ask and look at it one more time. I blink my eyes severally. "Just accepted it. The- um, someone borrow some money to me and- she finally pay it so- it's for you, for your tuition and for your needs." She said and pick up my hand and place the money. "Auntie, I can't accept this. It's okay, I can find I work for-"

"Lisa, stop being so stubborn. I said take it, it's for you. Don't worry about me." She cutted me off as I blink my eyes in confusion. "Take it or I'll ended up crying again."

"Aish, auntie. I can't accept this. How much is this?" I said and worriedly look at her. She looks like lying to me. Auntie barely gave me my allowance but not this much. "Aish, stop asking and just take it already." I sigh in defeat. "Now go, I have to clean my room." I pout when she started shuing me away. A sudden idea pop to my head. I wanted to treat auntie some food for us to eat.

I wear my black hoodie and tie my hair into a ponytail. I walk out of the house and proceed walking to the shop near here. Well, Seoul is the most beautiful place here in Korea, but I have this guts that- I don't really belong here. I don't know, maybe I'm terrified because of people bullying me, treating me like I'm some kind of a trash..

I sigh and open the door. I'm actually here in the department store. I should cook ramen for us. Which one does looks good here? The spicy one of the-

"Ow." I hiss in pain when someone bump into me real hard making me stumbled. "I'm so sorry, I didn't saw you there." I can clarify that it's a man since his voice is-. I stand up and look up to him. I raise my brow and tilt my head. "Taehyung?"


I gasp and suddenly squeal. "Yah! I miss you, why did you disappear like that?" I said and gave him a slap on his bicep. He giggles at me. "Mian, I didn't know you miss me that much." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Are you entering collage?" I ask and pick up the ramen. "Um, yeah. I am. Same as you are." He said, I pause for a while and look at him.

"Jinjja? You're kidding right." I said and pick up some beverage. I heard him chuckle, "Of course not. Try to ask me why." I bit my lip and look at him.

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