23: Behind The Unknown Mask

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Lisa pull her cap to cover her eyes. She release a sigh and place her hands on her pocket before walking straightly. Black jeans, black top, black mask, and a black cap, with a black shoes. Definitely one word for a broken person.

She remove her mask and got inside the restaurant where she's working. "Lisa-yah! You're finally here. It's See-Juns day off today, take her place immediately." Her co-worker chimed. She smiled and wear her usual uniform before walking to the cashier's place and started her work.

Many recognize her, and many did not.

Was the manager really promote her?

Bitting her inner cheek and look at the side. There's that unknown person that kept on following her. She look away when she met his eyes. What is that guy up too? Curiosity takes over her making her suddenly shiver.

After her shift, she walk out of the café and then there it is again, that feeling when someone's following her. She's used to it, the moment when she's with Jungkook, that's when it all started. She turn around and saw no one, but that footstep clearly tells everything.

She clench her jaw and started to walk again, now, it's more slower than usual. She bit her lower lip and stop walking midway, she turn to the side and saw a convenient store. She sigh and decided to walk inside. She walk and pick up the box of cookies, and bought two beer. She walk to the cashier and pay.

After that, she walk out of the convenient store. Again, she curse mentally when her phone ring, she saw the ID caller and it was none other than Jungkook, she frown and answer the call with a smile.

"Hey koo—" she was cut off.

"Lis, you have to go to my wearhouse right now. Be fast. And be safe. I'll call you back." He hang up immediately. She drop her phone and her smile drop.

Replacing it with a smirk..

She release a scoff and just walk with that foods on her hands. The feeling of someone's following her isn't there anymore. So as she did, she walk into her house and sigh. She sit on the couch and open her laptop.

"—I am here to tell dad that we don't need any finances from your family and you." She munch some cookies and smirk. Just as how he's wrap around her fingers.

Installing the spy app on his phone was easier than she thought. "So he's finally breaking up with that girl for me? What a good dog." She said and laugh, drinking on that beer she opened just now.

"Let's talk in the house." She heard him added making her smile in victory. "That's a wrap, kookie, that was good." She spoke and laugh once again, having that unfinish cookies on her hands.

"That wench is still alive I see?" She heard Jungkook's father clearly said that making her scoff and drop the cookies harshly, "This bitch had the audacity--" she paused and rolled her eyes.

"Leave her alone. Don't even think about killing her. Or I'll kill you myself." That was Jungkook, she smiled and clap her hands, "Way to go, Kookie. I loved the way you saved me, eh?" She joked and continue listen to them through the laptop that is connected to Jungkook's phone that he's bringing right now.

"So that woman really trick you, I see? You're replacing your beautiful and decent fianceé just for that poor bitch?" She heard his father said making her smirk. "Let's see if you got to call me poor again, asshole." She whisper and continue munching.

"Are you even my dad? Why can't you just-- let me go? I will never be like you." She scoff, "Of course he is your dad. Like father, like son, stupid bunny."

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