02: My Time

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"You're here

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"You're here.." greeting her with a warm hug made her smile. I hugged her tighter, she didn't hesitate to hug me back. "I miss you, love." I mumbled and kiss her hair. "I miss you too." She said and look at me.

I've been out for two days since dad planned that I should come with him to the business trip in America. It was so frustrating as ever. I miss her everytime.

"How are you? Is the business trip okay? Did you have fun?" She ask millions of questions, I chuckled at her cuteness. I nod and hugged her again. "Okay, I get it. You're whipped." She said and smile at me. "I love you.." I said and kiss her cheeks. I saw her blush and giggled. "I love you more.." she said and squeeze my cheek making me pout.

We both let go of the hug and I led her to the kitchen. I prepared food for us since I'm hungry and I wanted to have my dinner with her. "Wow, this looks good." I heard her muttered while looking at the food that cooked.

"Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry." I said and offered the seat for her. She gladly sit and smile at me. I did the same and sit by her side. I prepared so many food for us. Since I'm a great cooker, it's my first impression to her.

"Wow, this is so good!" She said and happily eating. I smile at her and wondered how ethereally beautiful she is. She don't mind when I admire her like this. Because I am the most stubborn person she ever met. I pick up a spoonful steak and held her chin. She look at me, then open her mouth as I fed her. I giggled.

"Is it good, baby?" I said looking directly at her. She nod at me and also fed me. "It does, doesn't it?" She said and and started eating again.

"You know, hyung told me what happened earlier at the university." I said and started munching my food. She suddenly stop eating and munching her food, looking at me. She looks so innocent, even that kind of thing that Jimin hyung told me was unbelievable in her looks.

"I'm sorry. I was just- I can't take it anymore, kook. I'm fine with her judging me, but when she talk about my parents doesn't get in my way." She said and look down. I smile and held her chin. "Hey, look at me. I'm not blaming you, okay? I was just worried if she hurt you somewhere. Did she?" I ask, already fuss at this state.

I already warned her not to hurt my girl, if she does it one more time, I swear to god-

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. S-she didn't do anything to me." I sigh and let go of the spoon. I massage my head. "Didn't I teach you not to lie to me?" I said that made her look down. "Is okay, it wasn't that bad.." she said and faint a smile. I caress her hair and took her wrist.

"Then what's this?" Full of bruises appeared on her arm through her shoulder. I sigh and clench my fist.


"Hey, don't. It's okay. It's my fault in the first place. I slapped her. And- I didn't mean it. Let it be, I'll be fine sooner." She said and keep on calming me. How can she say this things when she almost lost her skin because of those three fucking moron who can't leave her the fuck alone.

"What do you expect me Lis? To just sit here and not do anything about this bruises? I'll fucking kill them this time. I warned them three to stop hurting you." I said and let a frustrate sigh. I just- I just don't want to see her hurting and being sabotage by Yeri and her friends..

"I said it's fine. If you'll warned them, it won't stop them from doing this to me. I can bare to hold it. It's okay, as long as we're together, I'm fine with it.." she said and caress my cheek made me feel so calm. "Stop thinking about it, this bruises will heal soon.." she added and felt her kiss my cheeks. "Stop worrying too much. It'll make you look older." I directly open my eyes and saw her pout..

"We're just 20, it'll take years for me to look older. And it's fine, I'm still Handsome tho." I said and chuckled. She kept on smiling and chuckled at me. "See? You're the most gorgeous person I see when you smile like that." She said that made me smile.

"What did I even do to deserve you this much?" I mumbled and look at her lovingly. "I should be asking the same." She said and stare back at me.

"I can't believe we went through this. We're just eighteen back there when we started dating. And now, we're already twenty, almost twenty one.." she said that made me nod. I started to day dream about the time I started courting her.

"Do you remember, at first, you where so hard to get cause you kept on insisting your study's?" I reminded which she nod and smile. "It's even funny until now. You keep on following me around. Then your fangirls kept on killing me, that was iconic." She said and let out a frustrate chuckled.

"It isn't funny at all. You know, I sometimes blame myself because of what happening to you. Because of me, you always get hurt." I said, she look at me and blink her eyes. "Yeah, that's true. But I never regret on loving you, even thought your fangirls and Yeri will kill me, I'll never stop loving you.." I smile widely and hug her.

"Don't say that, I won't let them kill you. I'll be your night and Shining armor no matter what. That's how I express my love for you. Not just that. I still remember the love making we did back then.."

"Y-yah.." I chuckled and kiss her. "Are you embarass now?" I ask while hugging her. "No, I'm not. It's just- I'm flustered. It is inappropriate to do it back then cause we're just- we both turn twenty that time." She said and hid at the crook of my neck making me laugh. "You shy? Why so? Nothing I haven't seen before.." I said that made her hit my arm while hiding at my neck. "It isn't funny, Jungkook.." she muttered and tighten her hold at me.

I smile at her cuteness. "Can I do it now?" I ask, asking for permission to touch her. To make love with her. I miss her, I need her. I badly do need her..

She look at me and blink her eyes several times. She bit her lower lip. Traveling her hands from my neck down to my broad chest.

"Right now?" She mumbled and look at me with her puffy eyes. "It's okay, I won't force you. I'll wait. I promise." I said and smile at her. She caress my cheek slowly and smile at me. "You know, I love you being a completely gentleman to me. You really look like my future husband." I suddenly froze at her statement.

Did she just say I look like her Future husband?! That feels so good to hear. Being her named as Jeon Lalisa. As my own wife..

"Oh, did I say something wrong? Does it sound cringe?" I look at her and chuckled. "No, of course not. I just- can't wait to be called your husband soon." I said sweetly made her nod. "But- I think it's complicated." I heard her muttered and let go of the hug.

"I can risk everything for you, even though that means turning my back against my own family just for you.."

She look at me with hope in her eyes. She really think that it'll be complicated if I marry her.

"Well, I can too, just for you. For us, that's how I love you.." I smile and kiss the loving daylights of ours.

The most precious thing that happened to my life is to be with this woman who'm I love the most..


I know, it cringed 😑

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