38: Not A Bitter Bye

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Lisa sigh..

It's her last day her in Korea. She'll be back in States with her mother and Mingyu. Maybe start a new life there with her love ones. Earlier, she spend her time in her son's grave. She'll be back, she for sure think about it. She just need space and peace to think..

She also visited her aunt's grave, after all, even thought-- in her mother's eyes, her aunt was evil, but she won't forget the time when her aunt was there for her, every minute, every second of her life. Even though, it hurts her too, her love for the person who stand as her mother never fade.

Her aunt was her mother first..

She took of her shades and bit her lip. For the last time, she wanted to talk to Taehyung and Mina. Her two bestfriend that stay by herside ever since. She sigh and waited on the seat with a cup of tea. She look around, she find the place quite familiar.

And she remember..

This place is the first place where she first met Jungkook..

That man was long forgotten in her heart. The revenge, everything she did to get in this place right now, was because of him. She was thankful, she was also pitiful right now..

She knew she still loves him..

Behind those lies that she said, there was hidden right there in her heart. Spending those moments with him for the last time was enough. The pretentions for that time-- that wasn't a pretention, that was all real deep inside of her. When she kiss him the way she wanted, that was real. That big feeling she felt when he touch him, that was also real..

Her I love you's, are also real..

It might hard to admit for herself, and for Jungkook..

But she loves him the way he do..

"Lisa!" She heard Mina. She was walking along with Taehyung with a big smile. She giggled and stand up from her seat and hug the two..

"It's been so long since the three of us hang out." Taehyung said and pat her head. She smiled and let them sit in front of her. She sigh and smiled. "I wanted to tell you guys something.." she started, her voice soften at that. The two nodded and hum. "What is it?"

"I'm leaving Korea..."

"What?" She eyed the two and burst a giggle. "I'm serious. I'll miss you guys." She said and smiled. Touching Mina's hand while smiling at Taehyung. "Yah. Why the sudden.." Mina pause and look at her. She laugh softly and press her back against the chair. "I'll come back. I promise. I just-- wanted to said goodbye." She whisper and bit her lip.

"Are you serious about that Lis?" Taehyung ask and lean closer, placing his interwined hands on the table. "I needed space, you guys. Jennie unnie will stay, she will temporarily hold the company. Lee Tower will be done so soon. I'll come back for it.."

She tried to smiled at them, "I-- I should get going. I'm sorry guys. I'll contact you two. I promise.."

I promise...


"Unnie. I'll be back, I promise. Don't over react things." Lisa made a face and look at Jennie who pouted. "Yah, Lalisa. I'll miss you." She said and move to hug the blondie. Lisa laugh and kiss Jennie's cheeks. "I'll miss you too, unnie. You'll be fine, Taehyung will be here with you anyways." She stated and wink at her.

Jennie's cheeks went red immediately and push her slowly..

She laugh it out, "He likes you. He told me." Lisa exclaimed and cross her arms, she wore her shades and smiled at Jennie who gasp. "Of course not! He don't. His career is more important that me."

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