16: Irreplaceable

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5 Years Later..

He caress his temple after finishing the documents that is needed just now. He sigh and out down his glasses and stand up from his chair. He walk to the kitchen and get himself a glass of water. After that, he walk back to his room and open his laptop.

"Kook, mom decided to have a meeting with our business partners. I'll be out for a while, okay?" She walk to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He sigh and nodded his head, not glancing at the woman. She smile widely before leaving him in their room. He took all the time in the world to glance at her when she's finally out. He release a shaky breath and drop himself on the bed.

Again and again, this how his life's works. After what-- yeah, five years..

He heard his phone ring and he lifted himself to pick his phone up and saw his hyung's ID caller plastered on the screen. "Hello, JK, my secretary sent you the invitation for the Event in the next two days. The venue is very fancy, will you come with your fianceé? I'll be looking forward to that." He sigh once again and caress his hair.

"I am not certain, hyung. I am very busy because of my new project in Daegu, and I'll be meeting my business partner from US." He answered with the same old expression like how he used too. After all, it's just hard to admit about what had happened years ago.

"Okay, I'm sure Tzuyu will convince you. Your fianceé has been doing great lately. When's the wedding? You both are keeping us wait." He made a face and sigh, "Still don't know, maybe next next year?" He mockingly answered and hang up the phone call. That was clearly disrespectful.

He drop himself back on the bed and open up his phone. Why don't check some old photos..

Him and her to be exact?

Living his life without her by his side was a bad idea. After the argument, she disappear, her aunt died, and bluntly, she left no track. Is she perhaps dead too? Nonetheless. It was his fault. His fault, his father's fault, and everyone who he wants to blame is in fault.

His phone once again ring making him cuss intentionally and pick up the phone call without looking at the ID caller. "Jeon Jungkook, speaking." He lazily uttered and stand up from the bed. "Mr. Jeon, I had received an invitation from Mr. Park." He lick his lips, "Okay. Please send it to my house as soon as possible." He answered briefly and hang up the call. He did waste his time and walk to his computer. He needs a little research this time.

When he did, the invitation came and he instantly opened it. '38th Royal Enfield Entertainment Celebration!' He found it a little too amusing and very much unpleasant. He isn't the type of person to attend an occasion. But what can he do, he's clearly one of the guest.

He put it near the table and walk back to his computer. Unfortunately, he was busy because of his new business partners from US. It's a huge partnership. The business woman clearly owned L&C Cooperation. One of the most successful in the whole world. Alice Merrovigia. As of here, she came from Milan and recently had a very precious daughter that she pursue the most, her passion is mostly to get what she wanted.

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