30: Covert Feelings

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"You agree?" Mingyu ask in disbelief and facepalm himself. "I thought you hated someone helping you with your personal problems? I mean-- Lili, you're a worst one." He added and release a chuckle before rolling his eyes. She sigh and look away, playing with her pen. "His father is my dad's friends. I had no choice but to agree so he can also help us. We can help him. We help each other." She uttered calmly, still looking away.

"Are you certain that he'll invest money to us?"

"He already did, Gyu." She look at him and gave him the same usual smile. "Besides, he's a person that is worthy to trust. He hated Jungkook, and so do I. It's a waste if I won't ended up joining hands with him." She said and drop her pen on the table.

He sigh, "So, have you heard about Jungkook's new business partner? She's also a big time dealer."


"You know, Kim Yerim." He said and smirk at her. She scoff and rolled her eyes, "That's seriously my annoying bully back then. Couldn't believe she's a business woman too." She said and chuckle in disbelief. "Of course, who would've thought. She's too inlove with Jungkook since then, and ruining his relationship with his fianceé is just a big show for us to see." She said and smirk, looking at Mingyu who also thought about the same thing.

"Right, Ms. Genius. I never get that." He said making her giggled and rolled her eyes..

"Attend the meeting for me at Jeon Group. I'm a big shareholders after all." She spoke and stand up from the seat. She walk to pick up her coat and her handbag before wearing it. She look at him who sigh. "I'm dropping you off, where are you going?" He ask and did the same and wear his coat.

"I'm meeting Bambam."

Lisa arrived briefly at the restaurant where Bambam booked for them. She walk out of her car and get inside the restaurant as usual. She soon get a sight of Bambam on the side and she walk towards him.

She release a sly smirk and took a seat in front of him. The guy sigh and straightforwardly smiled on her. "Did you like the place, Ms. Manoban?" He spoke and tilted his head, aiming for her to answer. She poke her cheek and shrugged, "Not bad." She uttered and cross her legs, placing her handbag on the side chair.

"Shall we order?"

"We shall.."

After that, the waitress put their orders on the table and the two started to eat..

"So? What's our first plan?" She started as soon as she look at him. The said guy gave her a smirk, still munching that food. "I kinda invite someone that will amuse us." He spoke and wink at her. She frown, she don't get his point. She drop the utensils and cross her arms, pressing her back against the chair..

"Speaking of which, here he is.."

Her brow raise up..

Just as then, hearing that familiar voice, she scoff, rolling her eyes and bit her inner cheek. "Please have a seat, Mr. Jeon." Bambam exclaimed making her look down with a pure face and rolled her eyes.

"Lalisa?" She heard him spoke making her look at him with a face.

She sigh and look away, "I fucking lost my appetite." She whispered, clenching her fist with that cross arms.

"What are you doing here?" He ask again. She look at him and shrugged her shoulder, "None of your business." She uttered and look at Bambam who gave her a wink while clearly looking at them with such a teasing smirk.

"Ms. Lalisa, Mr. Jungkook? I hope you both didn't mind? I invited you two here for a business arrangement! That would involve Ms. Lalisa, since, she's the biggest shareholders of the Jeon Group, now." Bambam exclaimed with pure sarcasm in his voice while eyeing Lisa who's looking away.

"She don't have any business to join us." Lisa hears Jungkook stated that offended her that way..

"You think I'm too low to even join this conversation? Piss off." She spat, greeted her teeth in annoyance and harshly slam her hand on the fancy table, startling the other people who's around.

"Chill, Lisa. Let's have a— friendly conversation? Okay?" Bambam held her shoulder, making her clench her fist that she slam on the table. She glared at him, so as he. She rolled her eyes and kick Bambam's foot on the ground, the guy groan, suddenly look at her with wide eye.

She signal him to play around, with a sly smirk, around her lips.

Bambam clear his throat and look at the two, simply killing each other with their eyes..

The three talk about the previous conversation about the business arrangement. As for her, she can't even focus to a single conversation Bambam is stating, she just wanted to get out of here and spend her time at home, just like that..

After that, so finally, she left the restaurant with a face, still angry at the fact that she saw him their. Hearing her phone ring, she immediately move to pick it up, seeing Bambam's phone number on the screen, she scoff and immediately answer it.

"You bastard, why the fuck did you invited him?! What is wrong with you—"

"A scam.."

"A what? What are you talking about?!" She hissed.

"Earlier's conversation was the first plan. My money, that he's holding without him knowing, let's take it back, together." His husky voice clearly made her calm and sigh, stills driving.

She sigh and tighten her grip around the steering wheel. "What are you saying? How can we do that?" She muttered and put the phone on loud speaker before placing it to the side. "He invested a large amount of money in my bestfriend's company, we can use him to help us."

"Yeah, let's do that then.."


"Unnie? Are you coming with me at the mall?"

"Sure. Let's go."

The ride through the mall was frenzy. The two beauty is having a wonderful lip-syncing at the car. They arrived briefly at the mall, as they both entered, they decided to walk through the Chanel shop. Jennie has been itching to touch the new purse this season. They just release it yesterday, and the update for her was sure late for today.

"This skirt is lit, should I buy you one?" Jennie pick the two skirt from Chanel and handed her one. She nodded and gave her a smile, still looking at some new shoes on the side..

She sigh and went to pick up the white Chanel shoes on the side, it was a limited one, it's lucky that she found it.

But suddenly, her hand was entangled with some other hand, bigger than her, and mostly did caught the shoes. She raise her brow and look up..

"Kim Taehyung?"

She gasp, dropping the shoes and went to cover her lips, with a wide eye, she's mesmerized by Kim Taehyungs appearance. She chuckled and look at him, "No way? I'm not hallucinating, right?" She whisper, still in shock.

What a coincidence..

He took a step forward and release a laugh, touching her shoulder. "It's good to see you again, Lisa-shi." He smiled, flashing his boxy smile and look at her with sparkling eyes. "Tae, how— I thought you're still in abroad? Okay, you're giving me the chill." She shake her head in disbelief and laugh at him.

He sigh, "I saw you on the news. I never really thought you would disappear. I was miserable without you." He said, still having that smile on his face. She look at away and bit her lip. "Um.." she uttered and gulp, giving him the usual smile.

"I'm here with my sister. Would you like to join us for some— tteokbokki? We won't mind." She smiled, nodding her head..

"I won't mind too. I'm also looking forward to know your sister. And I have many questions to ask you, lady.."


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