18: Deniable

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He cleared his throat

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He cleared his throat. He glance at her. And look down once again. He glance at her once again and sigh. It was very awkward. So awkward that he wanted to burst out this moment.

The moment he saw her, his world stops. His time has stop and even his heart dropped. He can't even process if this is just a dream or what. And fuck, he was in a deep dream. He heard her clearled throat making him glance at her, she made a small smile. "How are you? It's been five years since we last met and talk." She started. Her voice is very familiar. And yes, she's still the same. She's still the same person who'm he used to love.

"I wasn't well to be honest." He uttered and looked at her. But she look down, she gulp and bit her lower lip. She look very different right now. Her hair is black. And her skin, a very beautiful milky skin, he was always used to her being a little tanned, yet, she's not even wearing makeup, and she looks so simple. But right now, she was an angel..

"You're lying. You look very happy with Tzuyu right now. I am happy for you guys." He heard her said. He glance at her and sigh, "So. Um. You're working here?" He suddenly ask and look around. They're settling themselves in a café near the company. And he skipped the meeting with Jennie.

She shake her head and made a chuckle, "Ani, I am working on a restaurant near here. I am actually sending some orders and I— bump into you so suddenly." She said and smiled, nodding her head. "You look really different, Lis." He uttered and stared at her once again. She fluttered her eyes and giggled suddenly. "No, actually." She said and sigh.

"You're different. You look more beautiful right now." He said and smiled at her. She then look down and drop those smile. Was he surprise? Of course he's not. He was still a jerk as far as he can remember.

"Oh. Well, I should go. My work starts right now. I'll see you later then." She got out of the chair and pick up her things and her purse before smilingly at him. She started to walk, not until he caught her arm making her frown and looked at him. His hands trail to his coat, and pick up something which made her frown again.

"Here." It was a key. Yeah, a key. He sigh and look down, "Meet me at the same place. Right in my cabin. I'll wait for you later." He whispered through her ear and let go of her arm before walking away. She gulp, she grip tight on the key and finally sigh.


The meeting with the Merrovigia went well. After all, he should admit that he couldn't focus and didn't got the chance to know about the projects because of someone kept bothering his mind. Is he thinking-- about everything he had than years ago. He cannot let go on what happened, he clearly knew that he hurted her. He's for sure know that she hated her so much for that.

But she doesn't look like that at all, after all, they had talk on the café near the building..

Even so..

And he knew that he's getting married, so she is too. He feel bad for his fianceé, now that he already found the woman who'm he loved the most, it's now or never. He needed to let go for the person who he loves.

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