22: The Unknown

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He immediately rush to his car.

His priority for today is to meet his father. How cruel, isn't it? He wished for nothing but to spend his time with the love of his life. Today's news, shocked him about to death. For five years, he never visited their house, and never got to see his father. It would ended up that he'll show up to him on the company, or events.

The anger in him was growing more. He never really thought of forgiving him..

Was he even on the right place to care about this stuff?

He release a shaky breath, and dialed something on his phone, his other hand is on the steering wheel, his eyes are on both. He gulp when it finally answered.

"Hey koo—"

"Lis, you have to go to my wearhouse right now. Be fast. And be safe. I'll call you back." He hang up the call immediately and once again place his phone back on his pocket. He release a groan, his eyes are surely flaming in fire.

He was threatened for God knows how many times. If he let this slide, he'll ended up being alone again, she'll ended up leaving again, or worst. He bit his lips and walk out of his car as fast as he can. He did notice the black SUV park right there. And he already knew who owned it.

Just as he get inside the Mansion, his eyes landed immediately on a woman, definitely his fianceé. Having a sudden chitchat with one of his father's hoe to be said. He clench his jaw in anger and started to walk. Tzuyu notice him fast making her stand up, and smiled at him.

"Kook, you're here. We waited for you." She smiled gorgeously and walk closer to him. He did not say anything, right now, he wanted a bloody talk with her.

Leaving the woman on the big couch alone. His grip tightened on her wrist and drag her roughly to the guest room near them. He heard her whimper in pain and mentally release a sob making him frown. "What the hell did you tell dad? You knew that he's a dangerous person! And you had the guts to come here! I told you to stay away from him, and don't even think of having a deal with him. It's already enough that you're his daughter-in-law, ain't it?"

She sigh and look away, "Well— I am not here for that, kook. I just wanted to— work our relationship. I know you'll leave me because of her, right?" She release a fresh tear and look at him willingly.

He sigh and look away then, "I already call the engagement off. I am here to tell dad that we don't need any finances from your family and you." He gritted his teeth and move closer to her. She remained looking down and clench her fist. He sigh, "Let's talk in the house."

At that, he left her on the guest room and dash his way upstairs. He storm inside his father's study only to see him laughing with someone on the phone. He clench his jaw and waited for him to notice him.

When the man turn around, he flash a smirk and hang up the call with his eyes on him.

"That wench is still alive I see?" He started making her take a big strides, "Leave her alone. Don't even think about killing her. Or I'll kill you myself." He whispered in anger. His father laugh in unison and shake his head. Walking on the couch to pick up the glass with beer and drink it one way.

"So that woman really trick you, I see? You're replacing your beautiful and decent fianceé just for that poor bitch?" He exclaimed and laugh. Jungkook remained looking at him with his dagger eyes.

"Are you even my dad? Why can't you just-- let me go? I will never be like you." He said and clench his fist, watching him with all his doings. The man wasn't satisfied at all.

He clench his jaw more harder, "I'm calling the engagement off. I had enough." He uttered a bit making his father look up to him and frown. "Try it then. Let's see what will happen to that poor wench." He threatened and suddenly stand up from the couch he's sitting.

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