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Oh, my god. I cannot still believe that I finally finished a book! Yey!

I'm sorry, if I didn't give a happy ending. I mean, not all of romance have a happy ending, right? The story might be short, and I hope you guys did not find it boring. I did my best, that's all..

Thank you, for reading, and for reaching here!

Thanks for the full support and for the votes you gave to me book, I appreciate every little thing that you guys gave me..

My story might be basic, but that's fine. The accomplishment I made means a lot to me. I love you guys! Thank you so much for everything!

I hope you guys are updated to my new books!


Thank you, again!

This is the end of this book. We will meet again!

Darkest Angel | LisKook✓Where stories live. Discover now