34: The Blonde In Red

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“You may now, kiss the bride..”

Was he awaken in his dream? The most awaiting moment have come, but with the wrong person. The kiss happened, the crowd roared. Once again, the newly wedded couple was represent around the world..

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon..

Wow, a very powerful name..

After five months of pursing himself to agree, because he had no choice, after five years of being all broken hearted and sad, at the fact that-- he was with the wrong woman, after five years, the long wait is finally here, he's finally married to the woman who's bringing his child..

He couldn't help not to stared at the woman who's completely in red..

Blonde hair, red dress, red makeup, red mask, and a very red attitude..

She looks familiar..

But he couldn't describe her when at a glimpse, she disappear. He gulp and look away, he glance at her now wife, has now a big baby bump on her tummy which made him sigh. Soon enough, he'll be a father..

Was he happy?

Of course not..

The ceremony ended, they spend there time at the venue where the two of them eated. The two spend all the time listening to once message, and never forgot to dance on the dance floor with all the guest admiring them for being the successful couple in the whole Korea which make them three times more famous.

"Was it hard?" She started, her hands around his neck when he circle his hands around her waist to keep them in place while the dance.

He did not get the message right that made him frown, "To be with me? And have to go through this? Was it because I am not Lisa?" She said, her voice show too much emotion that he cannot help not to sigh and look away. "I told you not to talk about her and any of it, right? We're married now. And-- just don't stress yourself too much because of that matter, okay?"

She look down, hiding the blush that form her face..

Well, that words just made her flustered..

He sigh and cannot help not to think. Five months. It's been five months and he honestly never saw her again, never bother him. He's thinking so much that he thought she's planning something on him and her.

Now that they're married, the things will be more complicated than it is..

He won't deny that he can't help thinking about her. Because she is still the one for him. Even though he knew that couldn't come through anymore..

The music ended, and just then, they head back to the seats. He decided to meet his bestfriend first who's recently here. But straightforwardly meet someone unexpected in the way..

"Kim Taehyung."

"Jeon Jungkook."

"I didn't know you're invited here." He stated and look around. The guy unknowingly scoff and sigh, "I'm here with someone." He said which made him frown. And that made him thought about the blonde girl in red.


Taehyung continuously rolled his eyes and a beautiful lady came by his side, clinging her hands onto his hand and gave him a smile.

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Jeon. I guess you still remember me, right?"

"Of course, Ms. Merrovigia, I still do." He bow, despite the feeling of him wanted to punch someone right now. The cat eye girl glance at Taehyung, then shifted it to him. She smile bitterly.

"Too bad, my sister left for some personal problems and couldn't make it here. I guess, Mingyu is being a very good man to her, right Tae?" She teased, Taehyung smirk either and smiled at the Jennie who keep her in place.

But she slowly had a poker face and glared at him..

"Just so you know, you hurted my sister so bad that she's having a therapy. You're not even ready to face mother Alice yet. Her daughter became like that because of you. And her angriness is more than you think. Mother Alice can easily kick your dad out of the Mafia gang. Do you think-- my sister is that low class? Think again.."

He cannot blink, and he cannot move. Was he hearing everything right from her?

"You're in trouble, Jungkook-ssi.."


"Jungkookie! My man! There you are!" Jimin greeted him with a very warm smile. But he couldn't think of anything else and just what Jennie said to him..

Lisa is having therapy's..

Her mom is very mad..

And could kick his father out of the Mafia gang?

He was thinking, was Lisa's mother related to the Mafia boss? Or was she one? That lingered around his head for the whole time right now. He was worried for her, for his wife and now unborn child.

He just don't one any of them get hurt..

But he could forget that he already hurted Lisa..

He gulp and gave him a faint smile, "Hyung." He called and give back the hug to him. "What happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost? You look so pale, young man." Jimin commented and laugh at his state. He cannot help not to shake his head and bit his lip.

"Hyung, can you come to my wearhouse tomorrow? We have to talk about something. You have to help me, I am in trouble." He immediately remember Jennie's words at that. He replace it with a smile and just nodded.

Jimin just hum and sigh..

"Oh! By the way, I brought my girlfriend here." Jimin cheekily smiled at him and pat his back, he made a frown and lessen his nervousness a bit.

"Meet, Park Chaeyoung, my girl."

"Hi, nice to meet you." He had a pleasant shake hands with a blonde girl named park Chaeyoung. He gave her a small smile and bow, "I hope you both are enjoying here?" He uttered and look at Jimin who's smiled and immediately cage the blonde in his arms making Chaeyoung giggled.

"Congratulations, I'm happy for the both of you." Chaeyoung said and bow her head before smiling. "Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy. I'll leave you guys for a sec." He bowed once again and finally left them two talking.

He sigh and walk back to the seats.

But Tzuyu wasn't there anymore..

He frown and just sit. He drink some champagne and look around..

And once again she saw that blonde woman in red. Many peoples are walking that made her disappear in one move. He frown again and gulp. He's getting worried, Tzuyu isn't here yet.

He bit his lip and look around..

When he was about to follow that blonde, a loud scream filled the venue that made his eyes widened and turn to the side where that scream came from..

The restroom..

He run immediately and check who is it..

And that's it, that's her wife laying on the floor with blood all over her white gown. She's unconscious.

His eyes widened and did not wait for help and carry the bloody bride out of the restroom..

All he knew that the blonde in red did this..

The eyes looks so familiar..

So he thought, it was Lisa..

The person who'll ended up ruining his life too. Like what she did to her..


Lisa is finally having her revenge.

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