27: The Surprise Gift

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"Well, the baby is healthy, Mr. Jeon. Ms. Chou, please avoid stress and please maintain the vitamins I had give you.."

Jungkook flash a small smile at the doctor who check their child after having Tzuyu in a hospital bed for a while when she fainted at the scene where they both fight. He sigh and held her closely to help her with walking.

He was mad at the fact that she hid it for three months now, and that baby bump is surely noticable. After all, the child was his.

It was his child..

And he knew his responsibilities for his fianceé. His family and her family soon enough find out about it too. Both families are happy to the fact that they finally conceive a heir. Not too long enough when they found themselves on their house. He sigh and look at her, "Take a rest upstairs, okay? I'll be preparing dinner." He smiled and caress her back after.

She just nodded and made a small smile before walking upstairs..

Honestly, he was guilty. He hurted her for how many times and didn't even knew about this. How can he possibly think of such things? After all, it was unexpected. Tzuyu is a one quite woman. Her expectations isn't too high, and she's not the type of person who'll ended up chasing for someone who isn't worth for.

What can he say? He's just a jerk who let her alone with her pregnancy for the past few months. He's now more thinking a lot about his fianceé more than the person he loved.

Days have been past since he know the truth about Lisa. He didn't even knew that coming. He was also depressed and shocked up until now.

And he will never not notice how she change when she's with him.

Did he even know her? Is she still the same Lalisa? And he found out she's not anymore. But it kept on hunting him, how the hell it had happened like that? How did she became the Chairwoman of the most famous and most successful business in the whole Korea? As far as he can remember, she's just a scholar student and fell Inlove with him.

But right now, he don't even know who the hell she is..

The Lisa he knew is not some kind of the person who rolled her eyes, not kind of a person who'll say such a words, not kind of a person who'll wear some tight dresses and skirt, not kind of a person who'll put on a lot and dark make-up.

The Lisa he knew is a total angel..

But damn, right now, she's the total opposite..

He knew he's falling down so soon. Everything he has is in her hands right now. The land he bought, and his money, and he'll for sure expecting the Jeon Group will be the same.

He can still win it. After all, the engagement wasn't cancel. He take it back after knowing the truth about his now unborn kid. He has Tzuyu. And right now, he won't let Lisa take advantage of his feelings anymore..

She fucking knew he's still inlove with her up until now..

And he fucking hated it..


Slowly, Jungkook opened the door to their room and saw his fianceé sleeping peacefully with her hands on her now bumpy stomach. He smiled at the view and sigh.

Atleast he'll be a father, but with the wrong person..

He walk inside the room with a tray of foods on his hands. He sit on the edge of the bed and slowly wake her up. Upon seeing her open her eyes, he smiled, "I brought you some food. Eat up." He said and look at her.

But not having that butterflies in his stomach..

She smiled and chuckled at him, "Thank you, Kook." She said softly and reach the tray. He sigh and stand up back from the bed. "I'll be downstairs, okay?" He said making her nodded and smiled while eating the food slowly.

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