Lost in Language

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I wanted to hear Luz read her book again, and she did too. "'Azura, Hecate began, 'Our paths have crossed only in battle. But today, I stand before you, seeking an ally.'" Luz reads. "Luz, you're getting all swoony again." King said. "I know what this is about." I added. "I can't help it. Azura is able to befriend everyone, even her biggest rival." Luz explains. "I wish I had that kind of power." "Rivals are meant to be annihilated, not befriended." King said. "Now keep reading, I've been sucked into your awful fandom." "Okay. "Suddenly, the door swung open."" Luz continued as the door actually swung open. "Ding dong ding, hoot hoot!" Hooty greeted. "The book has come to life, burn it!" King shouted. "I'll go see what it is." I said, heading to the door to see a basket, unsure of what was inside.

I ran into the kitchen to give the basket to Eda. "Eda, you got a package." I explained. "It looks like a gift basket." "Probably an offering." Eda said. "Ah, being the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles has its perks." King took off the cloth to reveal a sleeping baby. "Uh, is that a fucking child?" I asked. "Mmm, fresh meat." King said. "Nope, not doing that." Luz refused. "Witches eating babies is so 1693." Eda explains. "What is this?" "There's a note." King replied, taking a note from the basket. "Take care of my child til morning. Yi Yi." "Nope, babies are awful, not happening." Eda complained. "You will be handsomely rewarded. XOXOXOX, The Bat Queen." King reads the rest of the note. "Who's the Bat Queen?" I asked. "She's the wealthiest demon on the Boiling Isles, get in with her and you're set for life." Eda explains. "So, we keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid, easy." "Our greatest adventure yet!" Luz exclaimed. "Learning about love and life through a child's eyes." "Not you." Eda replied. "You and Peter have to return the books I checked out to the library. I don't want them getting a cut of the loot."

Luz and I were headed to the library. "Holy shit! This library is huge." I said. Once we got inside, the books were levitating to a counter. "Coffee stains, these are Eda's, aren't they?" The librarian asked. "Heh, that was a crazy night." Luz explains. "I'll put them on her tab." The librarian sighed. "By the way, we're closing early for the Wailing Star meteor shower." "What's that?" I asked. "You're in a library, read a book." The librarian replied. "I am in a library, I will read a book." Luz said.

After taking a look around the library, we heard a familiar voice. "What do you think you're doing?" The voice asked. "Peter, we've been caught!" Luz panicked. "Pretend to be a book!" "You really think that's going to work?" I asked. "'We're your friends, and we wanna help,' said the tin boy with a yelp." The person reading was Amity. "Otabin smiled and paced the floor. 'I've never had real friends before.'" "Amity reading to kids?" Luz wondered, pulling me into the kids corner, making sure Amity wouldn't see us. "She seems so nice and smiley." I said. "Peter, maybe we can befriend her like Azura befriended her rival." Luz gasped. "Are you fucking serious?" I asked. As soon as she finished dismissing the kids, Amity spotted both of us and rolled her eyes. "Ugh, you two." Amity scoffed. "Amity, reading to kids?" Luz asked. "Looks like this sour lemon drop has a hidden sweet center." "It's for extra credit. Don't get your leggings in a bunch." Amity explains. "Hey, Peter and I could help with the kids." Luz suggested. "We could all take turns reading, and do voices." "Ooh, I do the best monster voice." I said. "I pissed off a bunch of kids at camp." "Humans! Do you see me going to the Owl Shack and bugging you while you fry up owls?" Amity asked. "Ugh, okay, I don't really know what you do there, but every time you two come near me, I get in trouble. Just leave me alone and go hang out with my sister or something." "I'm sorry." Luz apologized. "So much for befriending rivals." "You gonna let her get to you like that?" Someone asked. We look behind to see two older students in the illusion track, just like Gus. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. "Well-wishers on a mission." The boy replied. "A noble quest." His sister added. "Watch this." The boy said. "Hey, Mittens, Mom says stop forgetting your lunch! And stop being a jerk to your friends." "They're not my friends, they're Alexa's." Amity grunted, grabbing her lunch. "Yeah, makes sense." The sister joked. "They seem too cool for you." "We are?" Luz asked. "You can leave now, all of you!" Amity groaned.

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