Eclipse Lake

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I called my friends to help me out one day. Why? Luz is sick with the Common Mold, a sickness that originates from the Boiling Isles. But out of all of us, Amity was the most concerned. "Peter, Willow, Alexa, have you gathered the supplies?" Amity asked. "Yes." Willow replied. "We're ready to attack this on all fronts." "With some help from Ghost and Gumbo." I added. "Great." Amity said. "Now, all we need is..." "Rain? Beach waves?" Gus asked. "Something called lo-fi beats to study and relax to?" King added. "We've got it all." "Eda was rummaging through her basement and gave us some soothing human noises." Gus explains. "That's great." Amity smiled. "Wait! Eda's still here?" "I thought I saw her in the living room." Alexa replied.

I went with Amity to check on Eda. "Eda, you're supposed to be helping Hooty build our defenses." Amity recalled. Eda was doing some kind of anime yell. "Mom, what the hell is this?!" I asked. "Ah, don't mind me. I'm just learning how to turn into Harpy Eda on command." Eda explains. "According to these human workouts, you just gotta scream a lot until you force your inner beast out." "This looks ancient." Amity said, looking at an anime dvd. "What? Nah! It's only, 30 years old?" Eda wondered. "I remember seeing this in theaters with Peter's father." "Yes, you're old. Who cares?" I asked. "We've got a crisis on our hands." Amity added. "Chill, bossy boots. Everything is fine." Eda said. "Wrong twin." I corrected.

"Does this seem fine to you?" Amity asked, showing Luz messing with her arms in our room. "Whoa! It's like I have snakes for arms." Luz said, almost like she was high. "Please. She just has the Common Mold. It's harmless." Eda scoffed. "Mom, she's a human." I explained. "We have no idea how it will affect her." "If I ate the portal key, would I return to the human realm?" Luz asked. Amity's abomination takes away the key before Luz could eat it. "I'm not giving this back until you're better, okay?" Amity asked as Luz pouted, but she sent her girlfriend a message on her tamagotchi. "Oh, uh, you got it." "Gotta admit, Amity, seeing you around more often is different." Willow said. "I know." Amity agreed. "But I was taught to see every situation as an opportunity. And today, I'll show Luz that I'm an awesome girlfriend." "Feels like just a few months ago, you almost got her dissected by your crazy principal." King remembered. "That was a few months ago." Gus commented as Luz screamed. "Luz!" Eda, Amity, and I shouted. "Mouse. Philip diary entry." Luz said.

After five years, I have finally found it. A power source so potent it can pierce through realms. Titan's Blood. There are old tales of lakes reflecting green trees and blue skies. The Titan's veins run through the land. And many believe that these wild portals are created when a little of its blood leaks into the water. That is how I came here. So that is the first place I shall look. I will journey back to Eclipse Lake.

"I have to go to Eclipse Lake!" Luz shouted, drawing Philip's map and tried to escape. "Luz, no! You are not well." Alexa said. "She is shockingly strong." Gus explains. "Alright, Luz. Peter, King, and I will get your Titan Blood if you just calm down." Eda explains. "Yes! Perfect chance to take our new powers for a test drive." King added. "Little bro, you just read my mind." I said. "Even though I can literally read your mind." "You guys are the best." Luz said. "I volunteer as well." Amity added. "As Luz's girlfriend, I must..." "I get it, Boots." Eda interrupted. "Just grab a coat." "Wrong again." Alexa commented. "Goodbye, my precious Willow Tree." I said, kissing my girlfriend and her palisman farewell. "We'll be back soon. You guys just watch over Luz. She thinks she has snakes for arms."

We followed the map from the diary entry to Eclipse Lake. "This place is crawling with tools." King said. "What gives?" "Titan Blood is the most powerful source of magic on the Isles." Eda explains. "I'm not surprised Belos wants it, too." "Well, we can't afford to mess this up." Amity said. "Luz is counting on me." "You mean, us." I corrected. All of a sudden, a scout fell from a tree above. "A coven scout!" Amity gasped. "Uh, yes." I heard a familiar voice say. "I am but a humble scout and I surrender." "Well, that was easy." King said. "Not so fast, King." Eda warned. "Don't you recognize that annoying voice?" "Why does everyone say that?" He asked before running away. "Don't let him get away!" Eda shouted as Amity tied him up with abomination goop. "This is none other than Belos's right hand man." "The Golden Guard?" Amity asked. "Nah. More like Hunter the Golden Bastard, but you're on the right track." I corrected. "He is a lot scrawnier than I imagined." Amity said, making me and King laugh while Hunter grunted with anger.

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