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One morning, we decided to help Eda at the marketplace. "Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, "I challenge you to a witches duel."" Luz read to King. "And look, I drew a flip book." I laughed as I saw her creation. "Show me the picture." King begged as Luz showed him. "I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the King of Artists." "Wait, I thought you were the King of Demons. Are you just making this up now?" I asked. "Doesn't matter, what's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me." King replied. "Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book." Luz said. "Ugh, please stop reading that." Eda groaned, tapping my nose with a feather duster. "It's flowery language is an insult to witches, and driving away all our serious customers." "Um, Eda, what customers?" I asked. "There aren't even any other stands around." "What's going on?" Luz added. "This is a bad omen, there must be something horrible happening today." Eda explains as Gus and Willow came by the stand surprisingly. "Luz, Peter, something amazing is happening today." Gus said. "Gus, Willow, hey." Luz greeted. "It's the annual covention." Willow replied. "Student witches get to see all the types of covens before they're placed in one. There's even a mystery guest this year." "A job fair for witches!" Luz exclaimed. "Eda, can we go?" I asked. "Absolutely not." Eda replied. "I never joined a coven for a reason. Sure, it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system. Eh, but, you know, no judgment. In any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls." "We?" I asked. "I mean..." Eda trailed off. "Who's we? You have a mysterious past." Luz said. "Now we gotta go." "No." Eda refused. "Okay, then you leave us no choice." I smirked at King, who picked up the Azura book and began reading aloud. "'You shall not doeth no more harm,' Azura callethed out..." King reads. "So flowery, so awful." Eda groaned, opening the portal to the human realm as Luz throws King inside to follow her. "Stop it, stop it, I will literally do anything to stop this!"

Eda took us to the covention. She decided to wear a cowl to keep a low profile. "Is this cowl really necessary?" Luz asked. "Do you think all my wanted posters are for petty theft?" Eda asked as a bunch of crap came out of her cowl. "Partly, but, the big whammy is I disobeyed the law and refused to join a coven. If I'm seen, I could go to jail, again." "Maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven." Willow suggested as Eda pulled her hood in front of her face. "Let's just get this over with." Eda complained as we walked inside. "Whoa, was I even alive before now?" Luz asked. "Those are the main nine covens, but there are hundreds of other ones you can join." Gus explains, pointing to banners hanging from the ceiling. "There's flower coven, artist coven, big dog coven, small cat coven, tiniest cat coven..." Willow explains as Eda groaned. "Also the grumpy coven." "What was that?" Eda asked as we left to explore the covention. "Ooh, what's that?" I asked. "That's the Construction Coven, one of the main nine." Willow replied. "They use power glyphs to increase their strength." The construction worker placed the glyph on the conspiracy theorist, known as Tiny Nose, and she started to destroy stuff. "Yowza-wowza." Luz said. "Yowza-wowza." She repeated. Turns out it was an illusion. "Ah, you've been taken in by the allure of the Illusionist Coven." Gus said, casting an illusion. "We like to magic with a hint of showmanship." "Illusions, huh?" I asked. "Do you know how to make a person reappear? It's for a friend of mine who made his brother disappear." "Wow! Acceptance? Camaraderie? A sense of belonging?" Luz asked. "Covens sound incredible!" "Eda, why haven't you ever joined one?" I asked. "Watch closely, kiddos." Eda replied, showing us a student joining the Illusionist Coven. "When you join a coven, all your other magic is sealed away. From now on, that kid will only be able to make illusions. Since I never joined a coven, I can do every kind of magic. That's why I'm the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles."

We walked up to a crowded panel. "That panel looks popular." Luz said. "It's the Emperor's Coven." Gus gasped. "Do you think they'll sign my forehead?" "Probably not." I replied. "Only one way to find out." Willow said as she ran inside after him. We were about to go inside, but Eda refused. "Aren't you coming, Eda?" I asked. "No way. Of all the covens, they're the worst. I'll wait out here." Eda declined. "We get it, Eda. Covens bad, individualism good." Luz said. "But Peter and I are still figuring this world out, so we're going to check it out for ourselves, okay?"

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