Labyrinth Runners

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Alexa's POV

Today was the day I was going to study another track at Hexside. Sure, abominations are cool, but I thought it might be to explore this opportunity. If I'm going to be forced into a coven, I might as well get to know the options. Although it was weird not having Luz and Peter to cheer me on, Amity, Edric, and Emira were supportive of my decision. "Are all the Blight siblings multitracking?" Principal Bump asked. "Everyone except for Amity." I exclaimed. "Very well." Principal Bump said. "What is your choice?" "I took a bit of time to think about my choice." I replied. "But, I did come to a decision. I'll have to go with the Oracle track."

I met up with Amity, Gus, and Willow. "Hey, guys." I greeted, showing off my new uniform. "Oracle track? Nice." Gus complimented. "Thanks, Gus." I replied. "So, Mittens, did you get a message from your sweet potato?" "These are the last messages I got from Luz." Amity explains, showing us her Tamagotchi. "She must've typed them quickly because all I could decipher was, "Learned a lot of bad stuff," something, something, "Day of Unity," something, something, and "Don't scare them away"? I don't know what any of it means." "What about all those hearts?" Gus asked. "Oh, those are for me." Amity blushed. "I went by and checked on the Owl House. It was crawling with Coven Scouts." Willow explains. "I was thinking of capturing one for information, but..." "It's okay, Willow. They're tough. Not everyone can stand up to them." Amity said. "Oh, crap." I said to myself. "But I didn't want to bring more attention to Luz, Peter, and Eda." Willow continued. "Oh, of course. Yes." Amity replied. "Smart move." Willow and Amity left the table as the bell rang. "Hey, you should talk to her." Gus suggested. "I'm fine." Willow said. "We just started hanging out again, and she needs time to get to know the new me." "You mean the real you." I corrected. All of a sudden, the trash can started shaking, until a familiar red palisman comes out with a sandwich. "I remember you!" Gus gasped as the palisman flew off. "Wait! Get back here!" "Right behind you, Gus." I said.

Gus and I followed the palisman to the paranoratorium. We went onstage looking for the palisman, only to find another familiar face. "What are you doing here, Golden Guard?" Gus asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." Hunter chuckled. "But rest assured, I..." Suddenly, a bunch of empty trash was revealed behind the curtain. "Are those empty bags of Hex Mix?" I asked. Hunter tried to cover it up, blushing with embarrassment. "I'll ask you one more time." Gus said. "What are you doing here, Hunter?" "Truth is, my living situation has been compromised. Maybe." Hunter explains. "So, I just need a place to crash. Temporarily. Hexside was the only place I could think of." "How vague of you." Gus said. "Do you know where Luz and Peter are by any chance?" "They're not with the Owl Lady?" "Students, please join me in the gym for an important announcement." Principal Bump announced over the speaker. "We're not sure what you're going through, but that much Hex Mix can't be good for your stomach." I explained, making my lunch box appear along with Gus. "You can have my lunch."

In the gym, I joined my friends for the meeting. "Students, teachers." Principal Bump said. "Let me introduce the esteemed..." "Please, Principal Bump. I deserve no accolades." A guest said. "Hello everyone. My name is Adrian Graye, Head Witch of the Illusionist Coven. Unfortunately, I'm not here with good news. The Emperor's Coven has plans to stop multitrack studies by inducting every Hexside student into a coven before the Day of Unity." "Don't worry. No one's magic is going to be sealed away. Head Witch Graye supports us and has come to help." Principal Bump explains. "Before any Coven Scouts come by, I'm going to make illusions of sigils on your wrists." Adrian continued. "They'll be temporary and harmless." Of course he couldn't have chosen a better test subject than my own brother. "Whoa, wait! I just started the other tracks." Edric said. "Are you sure this is safe?" "Don't worry." Adrian replied. "Once a scout sees the fake sigil, they'll move on and you can continue your studies in peace. Now, hold still." "Don't trust him! He's hiding behind an illusion!" Gus shouted, undoing the illusion to reveal a Coven Scout. "Cut!" The real Adrian shouted. Coven Scouts were surrounding us. After criticizing the scouts, Adrian appeared next to Gus. "Well, you just ruined any chance we had into making this something." He said. "You were gonna trick us into getting sigils!" Gus shouted. "Uh, yeah. I work for Belos. Kind of my job." Adrian said. "But let's make sure you can never use your little illusion tricks again. Shall we?" "Gus!" I gasped. "No, stay back!" Gus exclaimed as Adrian was about to give him a sigil. "I said stay back!" Gus trapped some people in an illusion. "How are you doing this?" Adrian asked, just as Hunter came to help us escape.

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