Wing It Like Witches

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Today at school, Willow decided to show me a cool trick with her plant magic earlier this morning. She made an eggplant with my face. "Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked. "If this is about Grom, I told you I was sorry." "No, silly. You put King's needs before your own." Willow replied. "That's what I really like about you." "No way! Do me next! Do me!" A student begged as Willow repeated her spell. "Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow." "Aw, shucks." Willow blushed. "Yeah, Willow rules!" Another student cheered. "Wow, she has to make friends with plants." The bitch in pink teased. "How sad." I gave her the finger. "Oh, please." Amity rolled her eyes. "You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?" Everyone began laughing at Boscha, and I knew she was pissed.

Luz met up with us later in history class. "Over 50 years ago, Emperor Belos appointed a head witch to each coven." The teacher explains. "I can't wait for Grudgby season to start." Luz said. "I studied up with Peter on all sorts of magical sports like this, Good Witch Azura 2: The Field of Deadly Fates. A classic underdog tale." "Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking on the deadly Thorn Vault?" Willow read, opening the dvd case. "Ooh, a cookie." Gus said, almost eating the disc. "Not food." I explained. "The council headquarters was built and paid for by..." The teacher said. "Anyone? Willow?" "Uh, the Pixie Dust taxes?" Willow guessed. "Impressive, Miss Park." The teacher complimented. "What's going on? It's like all of Hexside has caught Willow fever!" Luz wondered. "Ever since I patched things up with Amity, I've been feeling more confident." Willow explains. All of a sudden, her hair clip floated right into Boscha's hand. "Aw, Willow thinks she's popular now. How cute." Boscha joked. "Hey, I agree. My girlfriend is cute." I replied. "But give that back!" "It's weird that Amity hangs out with you now." Boscha said. "Ever since Grom, she's gone soft. I almost mistake her for Alexa now. But don't worry, I'm still here to show you who's boss." Gus snatched the clip and gave it back to Willow. "Oh, the friends wanna get in on this too, huh?" Boscha mumbled, casting a spell circle and dumped out all of Willow's stuff on us and burst into laughter. "Is that laughter?" The teacher asked. "Hey! Learning isn't supposed to be fun!" Facts. "We're having zero fun, I swear." Luz explains. "Boscha's picking on us." "My apologies, sir. I was practicing my aim for Grudgby." Boscha lied, acting all innocent. "Boscha, how could you throw things at them when you could throw things at me?" The teacher asked. "Am I over here? Or am I over here? Anything for the captain of the Banshees." "Aw, thanks, but I already have the perfect targets." Boscha said, sticking her gum in Willow's hair. "Don't worry, it's not like she can follow us around all day, right?" Luz asked.

Many miserable hours later...

Boscha pranked us all day and we were covered in shit. "She followed us around all day." Luz said. "She literally followed us around all day!" "I'm gonna take Boscha's third eye and shove it up her bitchy ass!" I threatened. "Easy there, big guy." Gus said. "I'm really sorry I pulled you guys into this." Willow sighed. "We should've just kept a low profile. Boscha could get away with murder if she wanted to." "What's this? Boscha got away with murder?" Principal Bump asked. "I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying new things." "We will find a way out of this." Luz said as she noticed Amity walked away. "Amity." "Oh, Luz, you're here." Amity gasped. "I mean, obviously you're here, this is school, and you go here now, with me. I've been talking for too long." "Amity, we need your help." Luz said. "Yes, I can help!" Amity quickly replied. "With what, exactly?" "Boscha won't stop picking on Willow, and no one will do anything about it because she's the Star Captain of the Grudgby Team." Luz explains. "Yeah, this time of year, she's extra unbearable." Amity sighed. "You're friends with her, can you help us?" Luz asked. "The hard part is there's no reasoning with Boscha." Amity replied. "She only speaks in Grudgby terms." "Okay, okay. I'm picking up what you're putting down." Luz nodded. "I'm not putting anything down." Amity said, confused. Willow freaked out as trash was dumped on her by Boscha the Bitch. "Willow, what happened?" Luz asked. "Boscha happened." Willow replied. "Hey, Willow, I just thought all the trash should stay in one spot." Boscha teased. "Gus, let go of me and LET ME AT HER!" I raged. "That's it!" Luz snapped. "Boscha, Willow challenges you to a Grudgby match!" "She what?" Boscha asked, dropping the trash can on Gus. "I what?" Willow repeated. "She what?" Gus added. "Seriously, what's going on here?" "Luz, what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm just following Amity's advice." Luz replied. "Boscha only speaks in Grudgby terms. Trust me, I have a plan." "Okay, maybe it's the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you say that Leaf Girl wanted to challenge me to a Grudgby match." Boscha said. "That's right. We'll settle this once and for all on the field." Luz explains. "Or we could just talk about our issues." Willow suggested. "Let's do this." Boscha said. "Oh, shit." I cursed. "If Willow's team wins, you don't get to pick on her anymore." Luz explains. "Right, and when we win, Willow and your team will be our water gofers." Boscha replied. "Ha! That's not even a punishment, I love water." Luz whispered. "And we get to use you as target practice." Boscha added walking away with her minions. "See you after school, losers."

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