Sense and Insensitivity

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Camp Campbell: 4 years ago

Gwen sat alone in front of the lake with her journal. She looked very focused on her writing. I sat next to her quietly. "Hey, Gwen." I greeted. "Jesus Christ, Peter! You scared the shit out of me!" Gwen exclaimed, jumping in shock. "What are you doing here?" "Just came here to think." I replied. "I've got nothing better to do. What about you?" "Oh, I'm just writing FanFictions. I try to do this on my days off or whenever I have free time." Gwen explains. "Well, what's it about?" I asked. "It's based on this book series called The Good Witch Azura, where my OC insert fights alongside Azura and then they both make out for a couple hours." Gwen replied, showing me a copy of the original book. "Even though the book series is meant for younger readers." "If you don't mind, I'd love to see what you have so far." I said. Gwen handed me her journal and her book. I flipped through the pages and noticed a few things that needed to be edited. I took a pencil and erased some of the mistakes. "What the hell!" Gwen snapped. "It took me weeks to write that!" I opened the book to see how I could apply the edits to Gwen's fanfic.

After I finished writing the edits in, I gave the journal back to Gwen. She opened her journal, without a sound. "Holy shit." Gwen cursed. "This is better than what I originally wrote." "I just took out what you didn't need and added some things you did need." I explained. "Are you still pissed at me?" "No." Gwen said. "In fact, I'm proud of you." "Wow, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, Gwen." I commented, giving her back the Azura book. "Keep it, I have a spare copy." She explains, giving me the book. "You know, since you weren't originally signed up for a specific camp, how about joining Writing Camp?" "I'd like that." I smiled. "That settles it." Gwen said. "Welcome to Camp, Asshole."

Present Day: The Boiling Isles

Today, a book fair was being held in the marketplace. Luz and I ran to the stand to share the news with Eda and King. "Guys, you will not believe what's going on!" Luz cheered. "It's a book fair! Where books come to life." I added as a book came to life. "A fair without rides?" King wondered. "A: Ew. B: I'm bored. C: I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse." Eda groaned. "No, wait!" I called. "Will you give it a chance?" Luz asked King. "I'll let you ride in my hoodie." "Ooh." King said, hopping into Luz's hood. "This book fair has everything!" I exclaimed. "A zine making workshop, meet and greets, and what's that? A writing competition?! Oh God, I think I might faint." "I've always wanted to be a writer." Luz explains. "Back at home, Peter was always really good at writing, which made him pretty popular." "Writer? What?" King asked. "I thought you wanted to be a witch." "Of course I wanna be a witch, but where me and Peter are from, that's kinda impossible." Luz replied. "So, my runner up dream was to be a writer. I've had this "about the author" picture since I was 7 years old." "We should definitely enter the competition." I suggested as some people shoved us aside in excitement. "Watch where the fuck you're going, you bastards!" "What are these basement dwellers doing out in natural sunlight?" King wondered. "Um, we're in line for John de Plume, most famous writer on the Boiling Isles, famed author of the Realm Warrior series." Tiny Nose scoffed. "I'm gonna have him read my story, and marry me." "Such power. Such command he has over his minions." King whispered. "I must have the same. Peter and Luz the humans, I, too, shall enter the competition." "Really?" Luz gasped. "We could work together. It'll be perfect." "We are best friends, so we should make the best team." I added. "Team. Yes." King agreed. "My name goes first on the cover."

Back at the Owl House, it was time for us to start brainstorming ideas for the writing contest. "Now, let's write down some ideas that we wanna see in our story." Luz explains. "I can write anything?" King asked. "Yeah, we're brainstorming." I replied. "Every idea is a good idea." King wrote down one idea and pinned it to the board. Violence. "Is that all you wanna see?" I asked.

After putting time into our brainstorming session, all of us gathered a few ideas. "Romance. Magic. Heartbreak with shimmer tears." Luz said. "And the main character is, of course... Luzura. I know, kinda cliché, but what's wrong with cliché?" "I came up with a character who got his powers from a mutant alien." I explained, showing them my OC sketch. "I named him Dudley, nothing too flashy." "My main character is the Ruler of Demons." King said. "With this totally original, all star cast, victory will be ours." I found a typewriter in the closet and grabbed it out. "Now, for the easy part." I sighed. "Writing."

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