Adventures in the Elements

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I just finished my breakfast one morning and I saw Luz lying on the couch with King. "Morning." I greeted with a yawn. "Looking at the Hexside brochure again?" "Yup. Hey, listen to this." Luz replied. "Hey, less reading, more scratching." King said. "Sorry, now that Peter and I will be students at Hexside, I want to learn all about it." Luz explains. "I've got a new crush and her name is..." "Amity?" I interrupted. "Nope, education." Luz corrected. Eda busted the door open. "Hey, freeloaders." Eda said. "Guess what today is?" "Is it your birthday?" I asked. "Is it my birthday?" King questions. "It's my birthday." Hooty announced. "No. It's Human Treasure Day!" Eda exclaimed as Owlbert came through the portal with some more junk. "Ooh, fresh garbage." "Ooh, gimme, gimme, gimme!" King cheered, grabbing a teddy bear from the pile. "Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror. Truly terrifying." "Hey, kiddos, your trash pile is getting cold, while mine's getting hot." Eda said. "I've never seen such an extravagant earring." "Eda, did you by any chance send Owlbert to my uncle's house?" I asked. "No, why do you ask?" Eda replied. "Because most of the stuff in this pile is mine." I explained. "Peter can have my trash." Luz said. "Oh, did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school? One it literally conquered?" "Yes, I know all those things, I went there." Eda replied. "It was the most harrowing period of my life." "Can you imagine it? Me and Peter in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus and maybe even Alexa and Amity." Luz daydreams. "Amity! Oh, cramity! We're supposed to meet so I can get my Azura book back. C'mon, Pete! We can tell her about Hexside!" Luz grabs my arm and drags me out the door. "We love you guys."

Luz and I met up with Amity at the market. Looking around, we saw Amity near the entrance. "Hey, Amity!" Luz called. "Luz and Peter are finally here." "Hi, guys." Edric and Emira greeted. "Blights!" I shouted as I fell to the ground with Luz. "Are you guys okay?" Alexa gasped. "Edric, Emira, stop bothering them." Amity scolded, helping Luz off the ground as Alexa helped me. "Sorry, Luz and Peter, they insisted on coming for some reason." "Because we love you, baby sister." Emira teased in a baby voice. "They've been extra protective and nice to her to make up for the library incident." Alexa explains. "And we still apologize every day." Edric added. "In any case, here's your book." Amity said, returning the book to Luz. "So, what'd you think?" Luz asked. "It was fine." Amity replied. "So fine you drew yourself with Malingale the Mysterious Soothsayer?" I wondered. Amity quickly cast a spell circle on the drawing in embarrassment. "This is great!" Luz exclaimed. "Maybe we can all start an Azura Club at school when we're classmates." "When we're what?" Amity and Alexa asked in unison. "Surprise!" I exclaimed. "Luz and I are enrolling at Hexside." "Oh, uh, sorry, but to be in our class, you each need to take a placement exam, and prove that you've mastered two spells." Alexa said. "I know you have your light thing. Do you know anything else?" "Placement exam? Spells?" Luz asked. "We're in deep shit." I whispered to Luz. "Quit giving them a hard time, Boots." Emira said. "Of course they know two spells, right, guys?" Edric asked. Luz and I looked at each other nervously. "Yeah, of course we know two spells." Luz lied. "Because if you don't, they'll put you both in the baby class." Amity added. "Hell no, Peter Yenkins ain't no fucking baby." I complained. "Ooh, brain idea!" Edric shouted. "What if we all train together." Emira suggested. "We can show off what we know." "What do you say, guys?" Alexa asked. "If you don't want to, that's okay, too." "Actually, we have other training plans in a very faraway place." Luz lied. "Which we have to go to right now." I added. "Bye."

We were freaking out on the way back to The Owl House. "Eda!" Luz cried as I busted the door open. "There it is." Eda sighed. "Eda, you need to teach us a new spell, right now." I begged. "Sorry, kiddos. These vegetables won't cook themselves, yet." Eda declined, pouring a potion on some raw vegetables. "Alright, everybody in the pot." The veggies grew arms and legs, running away from the pot. "Why do I always think that's gonna work?" "But we need to know two spells to get into decent classes at Hexside." Luz explains, pulling out a glyph from her pocket. "Both of us can make light glyphs. But at the end of the day, that's the only spell we know." "And who's fault is that?" Eda asked. "Yours." I replied. "Ha! Yup, got me there." Eda laughed. "Just teach us a spell now, any spell." Luz begged. "It can be the darkest evil." I whispered. "Well, I have been researching my texts on wild magic, but I'm much too busy right now." Eda explains, using that same excuse. "Come on, Eda! You're the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles." I groaned. "How would it look if both of your apprentices got thrown in the shitty baby class?" "Hmm. Weaponizing my pride. Well played." Eda complimented. "Well, in that case, this looks like a job for magic boot camp." "Did someone say boot camp?" King asked. "I agree to run it. We'll rise at dawn. Each of you will carry me on your back as I yell hateful things about your performance." "Nope, you'll have no part in this." Eda said. "Luz and Peter need to focus, and I can't have them go all weird when you do something adorable." "I am NOT adorable!" King shouted, stomping his foot angrily. "Aww, he stamped his little foot." Luz cooed. King screeched and slammed the door behind him. "Now, no time to waste. You'll have to follow my teachings exactly." Eda explains. "We gotta go somewhere special." "Hell yeah!" I cheered. "A place where magical energy just flows." Eda continued. "Yes!"

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