Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door

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Hooty's POV

Dearest Lulu, I hope this letter finds you well and that you're enjoying your time with your parents. I'm writing to let you know, that I am a genius! Whenst I wrote you last, I was in the throes of a malaise. That's when I got your letter!

Hello, Hootsifer, Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Peter, Eda, and King are off on adventures. But, Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn't a worthy purpose, then what is? All my best, Lilith.

"How we doing, hoot house?" I asked everyone. "Can you keep it down?" King asked with a voice crack. "Down! Why does this keep happening?" "Sounds like our little demon is becoming a de-man." I said. "Ugh! Why does that sound so wrong coming from you?" King asked. "You? I'm done with this!" "Those teens, eh? Their moods change like the wind." I laughed, until I saw bags under Eda and Peter's eyes. "I'm freaking out, Hooty." Eda explains. "Belos is planning something big, and I'm weaker than a newborn witchling. If I want to protect you guys, I have to train as hard as I can to get strong. No rest!" "But, every time you overwork yourself, you turn into the Owl Beast." Peter warned. "I said no rest!" Eda shouted. "Can you please be quiet?" Luz asked. "You're scaring the echo mouse. And if he's not happy, I'll never make my way into Amity's heart. I mean, make a portal back home. Uh, we have to go." "Why have you been staying awake, Peter?" I asked. "I'm trying to figure out how to do my magic." Peter explains. "But, I still don't know everything about it." After everyone left the living room, I knew that these four needed my help.

I decided to start with helping King, who was still trying to figure out where he came from. As a fellow demon myself, this one is right up my alley. Hoot! "Maybe if I figure out what kind of demon I am, I'll know what's going on." King said to himself as he researched different demons. "But none of them look like me." However, I know King would never accept help from me. Unless...

A few minutes later, King broke free. "Did you owl pellet me?" King asked. "Are you angry? Sweaty?" I asked. "Is there hair in places? Does your voice crack in a super embarrassing way? I have the answers you seek. You're going through demon puberty!" "Ugh! The last thing I want from you is a health class!" King complained. "This isn't a health class, it's an unholy test, to determine what kind of demon you are." I corrected. "Really?" King asked. "Yup!" I replied. "Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm the only other demon here. So, what other choice do you have?" "Alright. What the heck." King agreed.

"Our ancestors arose from the muck of a decomposing Titan. And there are so many of us." I explained. "But all demons can be placed in three different categories: Bug, Biped, and Beast." "We all know the three B's." King interrupted. "Do not interrupt!" I shouted. "Now, I'm pretty sure you're not a bug, but we can't rule anything out. As a type of worm myself, I'm an expert on this subject! Let's begin!"

King got dressed into one of Eda's shirts to see if he was a bug. "Bug types naturally communicate through dance. Like so." I explained as some of the bug demons that randomly asked to help, performed a dance for us. "Poetic." As King performed his dance, I was most certainly offended. He has hurt my feelings before, but this time, he crossed the line. "DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER!" I screamed, chasing King through the house.

"Well, you're dance was offensive and your attempt to spin a cocoon was just sad." I said as King continued to catch his breath. "Honestly." "Can we just not talk about the cocoon?" King asked. "Okay, let's see if you're a biped demon." I replied. "They walk on two legs and even have bile sacs just like witches. So, for this test, you're gonna have a duel with a little friend of mine." Tiny Nose came out of her box playing a video game. "A scuffle, eh? Let's do this!" King shouted. "Just don't get mad if you can't..." Once I rang the bell, Tiny Nose blasted King with one fire spell. "Wow, not a single spell." I chuckled. "Even bug demons have some magic." "It's fine." King said. "Let's just keep going." "Okay, okay." I replied. "There's only one way to test for beast types. I'm gonna need a blood sample." "I gwaduated from medical school!" Tiny Nose exclaimed, holding a big syringe, poking King.

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