Understanding Willow

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Today at school, we were assigned to make a photo collage for a class. "Oh, my gosh, guys, I'm so excited for photo class." Luz explains. "I can't believe you can make pictures of your actual memories, especially traumatic ones." I said. "I'ma see me some baby Willow." "I'll admit. I was adorable." Willow admitted. And I admit that you are adorable. "Don't eat that!" Luz shouted at her locker, which refused to give her the books. "I can't believe they'd hang out with her. It's just embarrassing." Boscha the Bitch gossips. ""Look at me. I'm going on a date with my ferns."" Willow frowned. "That could be anyone." Luz said. "Solid Willow impression, Boscha." Skara compliments. "Amity, weren't you friends with Willow?" "I'm a Blight. We only associate with a select few." Amity replied. "Keep annoying me, though, I'm happy to select fewer."

Later in class, Luz and I helped Willow set up her project. "Alright, memory melon. Let's pick out a juicy one." Luz said, placing something in Willow's ear. "Be careful with my brain." Willow warned as Luz pulled a picture from her ear. "Shit, that was cool." I said. "As you work, note that some prints have greater clarity than others." The teacher explains. "These are moments that evoke a strong, emotional response. But, if you damage the prints, you damage the memories themselves. Be extremely careful." "Whoa, photo class is intense." I said. "Oh my gosh, Willow!" Luz gasped. "You had an awkward hair phase, too?" All of a sudden, more photos were shown. One in particular caught my eye. A younger version of Willow was hugging with Amity and Alexa. Willow only rolled her eyes. "I know you and Amity have a history. Wouldn't you feel better talking about it?" Luz asked. "No, I'd rather do this." Willow replied, turning the picture over. "That's my motto after all. "Out of sight, out of mind."" "If you won't tell me what she did, Peter and I will never be able to cook up a scheme to make you friends again." Luz begged as the lunch bell rang. "I get it, but I don't want you to do that." Willow said. "No schemes, no plots, no ruses. None." "Can we go get lunch now?" I asked. "If I don't eat now, I'll end up eating Hooty."

At lunch, I sat down with my friends as Gus was making a cork board. "Hey there, detective." I greeted. "Are you solving a crime or about to commit one?" "Sadly, this is one problem crime I can't solve." Gus replied. "My interview for journalism class is due tomorrow. I'm supposed to choose someone interesting, accomplished, and noteworthy. People aren't meant to be those things. Curse your need for perfection, Gus!" "Okay, buddy." Luz said, calming down Gus with some Apple Blood. "So, Willow... Wow, are you okay?" "When did it get so hot?" Willow asked, sweating. She poured water over herself and started steaming. "Uh, hi. I'm Willow. Remind me of your names?" "This is serious journalism, Willow." Gus said. "Clowning around will get you nowhere." "I'm serious. Who are you?" Willow asked again. "I'll admit, this amnesia spin has piqued my interest." Gus replied. "Gus, it really seems like she's forgotten us." Luz explains. "Like her memory is..." "Like her memory is gone!" I gasped.

All of us quickly rushed to the photo classroom to see Willow's memories on fire. "Hexside Free Press!" Gus shouted. "What's going on here?" We also saw Amity trying to put out the fire. "Hi." Amity greeted shyly. "You fucking destroyed Willow's memories?!" I snapped. "I saved as many as I could." Amity explains as the remaining memories were burned. "Ugh, why would they make memories so flammable?!" "Have I always had this crazy thing?" Willow asked, slapping herself with her hand. "I can tell we're gonna be good friends.

After school, we immediately took Willow, Gus, and Amity to the Owl House. "So, this is the Owl House?" Amity asked. "Yup." Luz replied. "And both of you sleep here?" She asked. "When the night critters allow us to." I explained. "So, you set Willow's memories on fire and erased everything." Eda said. "Even minor damage can have huge effects." "Ah, chair for sitting." Willow gasped, messing around on the couch. "Yup. Her brain's burned up real good." Eda explains. "Damage like that can change everything about a person. Willow may never be the same." "I got it!" Willow cheered. "Ooh, a furry fruit. I'm gonna peel it." She picks up King and pulls on his fur. "What?" King asked. "What is happening?" "Nap time." Eda said, casting a spell circle that immediately put Willow to sleep. "Sleep spell." King yawned. "I didn't cast it on you." Eda said. "Yeah, who cares?" King asked with a yawn. "Is there anything we can do?" I asked Eda. "There is one way. But it's terribly dangerous and partially illegal. So you're in the right place!" Eda explains. "I'll send you into her mind to fix the damage." "Be still, my fantasy-loving heart." Luz said. "I have always wanted to do this! Thank you, Boiling Isles." "It won't be easy. You have a lot to fix in there because it's a mess." Eda warned. "Yup. Whoever did this to Willow showed unbelievable disregard for her safety, downright despicable. Oh, right, it was you. Anyway, Luz, who's going inside with you?" "Maybe I could help." Hooty suggested. "I'm pretty good at getting stuck in people's heads." "This is someone's brain, not a nightclub." Eda scoffed, slamming the door. "Three max." "Gus has a lot on his plate." Luz explains. "Peter, Amity, you have to come with me." "Willow might not want me in there." Amity sighed. "You set everything in there on fire!" I snapped. "We're both going with Luz." "Okay, I'll do what I can." Amity sighed, taking Luz's hand. "Okay, bold choice taking Peter and the girl who caused the mess." Eda said, summoning a bell. "When you're done, ring that and I'll cast you back. Oh, and keep an eye out for her inner Willow. She's the gatekeeper of emotions and memory. She might help you. Now, here we go!" And just like that, Eda sent us into Willow's mind.

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