Clouds on the Horizon

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Amity's POV

After Luz let me in on the Draining Spell, I couldn't just stay on the sidelines. Sure, I told my siblings, but we needed someone else to listen. I needed to tell Mom. Sure, things between us have been rocky, but someone needs to know the truth. "She won't believe you." Emira said. "Even if she did, she won't care." Edric added. "You know Mom loves money more than me specifically." Alexa commented. "Well, someone has to tell Mom about the Draining Spell." I explained. "Or else, she and Dad are helping Belos hurt people." "Why not just tell Dad?" Alexa suggested. I hide my siblings behind a rock with me just as Mom turns around. "I've got that little gremlin on the hook." I heard Mom say. "She'll be a perfect test subject for our new product." "Don't you think it's odd that they need this much security for the Day of Unity?" Dad wondered. "Perhaps we should reconsider this deal." "Blights always uphold their part of the deal, dear." Mom replied. "Or should I reconsider ours? It might be time for the kids to play a more active role in Blight Industries. I could start the paperwork right now." "Hey guys, Dad might listen." I whispered. "Isn't that what I just said?" Alexa asked. "Where are Ed and Em?" I wondered. "Hiding behind trash, girls? To think my children are so painfully predictable in their deceit." Mom said as an Abomaton had grabbed the twins. "You're grounded."

Peter's POV

Today was the day before the Day of Unity. If I'm being honest, there was only one person on my mind. Willow. I keep thinking about how I taught her to write poetry whenever she missed me. I hope she hasn't forgotten about me. I sat next to Luz, trying to send out a message to Amity on her Tamagotchi. "Still thinking about Amity?" I asked. Luz nodded. "You know, I think about Willow every day. But, I know she's a strong witch, and so is Amity." "What kind of language is that?" Eda asked. "The language of love, Eda." Luz replied. "But it's unfinished. It just says, "Grounded. Come quick," and then nothing." "Special delivery." King announced, carrying a crate of scout uniforms. "Ta-da!" "Ooh!" Luz gasped. "Disguises! Yes!" Lilith cheered. "A milestone of malfeasance in my new life of crime." "This is just a trick to get me to wear clothes." Hooty said. "Well, it won't work!" "Anything else I can do?" King asked. "Grab some tea? Defeat some baddies? Create sentient life? I am a..." "Totally frightened? Yeah, me too, pal." Eda interrupted. "I know you wanna help, but we gotta keep this stuff a secret between us six for now. You may be a Titan, but you're still a little guy." "Hey. No matter what, you're still my badass little brother." I added. "Alright, let's get this briefing over with." Darius said.

Darius brought us over to the table to discuss our plan to stop Belos. "Okay, we have 24 hours until the Day of Unity begins and Belos activates the Draining Spell." Raine explains. "And everyone on the Boiling Isles is taken out in one fell swoop." Darius added, knocking over some pawns. "Well, not everyone." Raine said. "The spell targets those with Coven Sigils, using the nine types of magic as ingredients for the spell itself. It's channeled through each of the Coven Heads during the duration of the eclipse." "So, what's the plan?" Lilith asked. "Do we hide one of you?" "We can't count on that after my stunt with the BATS." Raine replied. "Belos made sure we all have replacements." Darius explains. "We can't stop the Draining Spell, but we can corrupt it. That's where the Owl Lady comes in." "Huh?" Eda and I wondered. "The curse, Eda." Darius said. "That's right!" Eda gasped. "My curse warps magic. Huh? Did quite a number on you two, if I remember correctly." "You remember incorrectly." Darius lied. "I was completely unfazed. Eda will have to sneak into the tower, and here's how. I'll control a pair of abominations to release Eberwolf's flesh-eating beetles into the crowd. It will create a distraction so big, we can get Eda up with the Coven Heads. The spell will halt when it comes in contact with the curse, and the day will be saved. No problem. What? Only a few people would get eaten. Even then, just the small ones." "If we must do this, the safest bet is to have Eda tap into the spell by taking someone's place as Coven Head." Raine explains. "My place. Sigil and all." We gasped. "As Head Bard, you'd also be flanked by me and Eber, where we can keep an eye on the others." "Why are we acting like Edalyn's the only one with a curse here?" Lilith asked. "Please, let me do this as a..." "No." Eda said. "You haven't had your curse that long. You don't know how it would react. But I do. And how can I say no to sticking it to Belos one final time? Not only that, but I have the Raine Whispers looking out for me." "Heck yes, Owl Lady!" One of the bards shouted.

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