O Titan, Where Art Thou?

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We just returned to Bonesborough and we're on our way home. "Mom took Pensta, but we're safe. Will contact." Luz reads a message from Amity on her Tamagotchi. "Aww, she sent so many hearts. Hope she's doing okay." "Is that Amity?" King asked. "It's okay if you want to check on her." "No problem. King and I can get to the Owl House on our own." I added. "Hey, look! Everyone missed us so much, they put up pretty signs!" Hooty gasped. "Shit!" I cursed. "Hooty, those are wanted posters!" "Let's take the long way home." Luz whispered.

On the way home, the house was surrounded by Coven Scouts. "Without that bird tube, this place was wide open." A Coven Scout said. As we turned invisible, we saw them take a bunch of stuff from the house. After the scouts left, we went inside to investigate. "Do you think they were arrested?" King asked. I found a piece of paper that had some writing. "No. They're hiding out on the Knee." I explained.

Once we got to the Knee, I kept thinking about Willow. I don't know if she's safe, or if I'll ever see her again. "You okay, Pete?" Luz asked. "Yeah, just thinking about Willow." I explained. "I hope she's okay along with the others." "I'm sure she's fine." Luz replied. "She's very brave." All of a sudden, King tripped over a rope as we were closed into a net. Lilith and Eda came to set us free. "Hi!" We greeted. "Hey, Lulu." Hooty said.

We sat around some fire bees keeping us warm. "It took a while to figure out which town you were in from the map." Luz explains. "We had to keep off the streets with all those wanted posters, but that's when we saw your Hex Mix trail, and, well, you know the rest." "What map are you talking about?" Eda asked. "The one you left us, obviously." I replied, showing the map. "Oh, the one we left them." Eda said, glaring at her sister. "Well, someone had to bury our bones." Lilith explains. "Lulu! I got you a shirt!" Hooty shouted, vomiting a shirt for Lilith. "I was sacrificed to the Grand Huntsman?" Lilith asked. "So, turns out King's letter was sent by a group of Titan Trappers." I explained. "And they may have tried to sacrifice King to the Collector, who they worship, like God, or in this case, Satan." "Oh, so, you found a commune of bloodthirsty fanatics in a place that was supposed to be empty." Eda said, getting up in Lilith's face. "Well, they couldn't have been that scary, not without any Titans to trap." Lilith added. "Actually..." Luz turned to King as he nodded. "...King is a Titan." "Looks like I'm due for a growth spurt soon." King chuckled nervously. Eda and Lilith gasped.

Luz and I watched over King as he built a snowman resembling Francois. "I can't believe that little guy is going to turn into that big guy." Eda said. "It certainly explains his strange new powers." Luz commented. "He's just dealing with so much. I wish there was a way we could give him some comfort." "I can't believe this!" Lilith exclaimed. "All this time, you've had a Titan under your roof! I've eaten ice cream with a God!" "Just because he's got tall genes doesn't make him a God." I said. "And he falls into the toilet, like, once a day." Eda added. "Perhaps he's still too young. His powers haven't awakened yet." Lilith explains. "Ooh, but who knows how he can help us against Belos?" "We're not putting him in danger." Eda said. "He's a Clawthorne, and technically your youngest nephew. Remember, dear sister?" "Right, of course." Lilith replied. "I'm a god's aunt! But is he a gentle god, or an angry god?" "So, fill us in. How are we gonna defeat Belos and his Draining Spell?" Luz asked. "Right, uh, well, it's a secret." Eda replied. "Just for now. I'll fill you in closer to go time." "Ah, so if we're captured, we can't give anything away." Luz said. "Smart thinking, Owl Lady." I saw King playing with his snowman. "Let us help, King." I said. I also had this feeling that Eda was lying to us, but I wasn't sure. "Alright, kids. The plan isn't going to be ready till tomorrow." Eda explains. "But if you could do anything in the world today, what would it be?" "Thanks, Eda, but I just want things to feel normal, right now." King replied. "I'd probably accuse Uncle Ricky of your crimes." I explained. "Well, I wanna go on a heist." Luz added. "Of course you do." Eda said. "Count me in!" I exclaimed.

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