King's Tide

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Willow's POV

Alador got the airship ready so we could rescue Luz and Peter. Although the fact of them facing Belos scared me to death, Peter showed me that the best way to escape the world is through writing. I began writing some poems while King was sleeping. King fell asleep on my lap a few hours ago. Although, he just woke up, looking kinda frightened. Who can blame him? All of us were scared. "It's okay, King." I reassured him. "It's okay." In front of me, I noticed Hunter trying to steer the airship. "I know how to fly a ship." Alador said. "Then fly faster!" Amity shouted. "We're barely halfway there. Luz and Peter could be in trouble!" "Maybe if I took the wheel?" Hunter suggested. "Very eager to return to Belos, eh, Golden Guard?" Alador asked. "At least I never built him an army!" Hunter argued. "Watch your tone with me, young man!" Alador snapped, losing control of the airship. "Hey, here's a bright idea: Don't distract the pilot!" Gus exclaimed. "He started it." Hunter complained as everyone else started arguing. "Shut the hell up!" Alexa shouted, but no one listened. "I can't believe they're going to face Belos alone again." King sighed. "And I'm powerless to help them. We can't even manage to help each other." I turned to Clover, my Palisman. She goes to the other Palismen as they grab some food from a crate. "Look, we're all exhausted and terrified." Amity said. "Let's focus our energy on helping Luz and Peter instead of fighting each other. Alador and Hunter took turns flying the airship as we all had some food. "That was amazing!" King gasped. "There's always a way to help." I explained. "You just have to look for the right opportunity." "Thanks, Willow." King yawned. "I'll remember that."

Peter's POV

Kikimora brought us to Belos. "Emperor, congratulations on this momentous day. I come bearing some gifts." She commented. "You had been looking for the Golden Guard, and here he is! Perhaps this act is worthy of returning me to my old post. Or, if you're looking for a new right hand..." "Have you as my right hand?" Belos asked. "I'd sooner cut off my whole arm." "But, I just want to help!" Kikimora begged. "You want to help?" Belos questions. "Go find a hole to wither away in."

A few minutes later, Belos comes back to talk to me and Luz. "Of course she'd mess up a simple task. But I am glad to see you, my fellow humans." Belos said. "What? No fight left? Or did you learn your lesson from last time?" "You wish." Luz said as we both turned invisible, going behind him to cast a fire spell. "Spicy toss!" "Of course not." Belos sighed.

Gus's POV

Once we finally arrived to the head, Alador and Hunter's sigils were glowing. Belos must've already started the Draining Spell. "Your ship has been reported stolen." A scout said, just as some other airships were surrounding us. "Land immediately!" "Mom!" The twins grunted. I cast an illusion to look like the ship was transformed into birds. Hunter got out of the ship to take care of the scouts, until he was hit by an Abomaton. Alexa and Gumbo jumped out of the airship to rescue Hunter. "Why did I make those things so powerful?" Alador asked as I got rid of the illusion. More Abomatons shot at the sail, causing us to crash.

Peter's POV

Belos used his staff to try and attack us. "I didn't realize you're already combining glyphs." Belos said as Luz placed glyphs all over. "You do have a strange intuition with these. It took me years to figure that out. Almost like the Titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge. Though, you're still decades away from beating me." Belos grabbed both of us with his decaying arm. "Eat shit, Belos!" I shouted. "It's Philip." Belos corrected. "And despite our differences, I want to help you, Luz and Peter. I can send you home. I have just enough Titan Blood for one more trip. Please. I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place." "Hate to break it to you, Belos, but I'm nothing like you." I said. "You're such a hypocrite." Luz added. "You talk big about protecting humanity, but after everything you've done, you're barely human yourself." "I do pity both of you." Belos sighed. "Those monsters have warped your sense of reality. Perhaps it would be merciful to put you both out of your misery." All of a sudden, our bodies were slowly turning to stone. "Wait. Wait! You can't!" Luz shouted, trying to show me her plan, looking in the direction of a sigil glove. "You do realize that you've been gone from the human realm for centuries." "Luz is right. Times have changed." I continued. "You wanna be known as the Emperor of the Witch Hunters, right?" "Witch Hunter General." Belos explains. "Sure, sure. Witch Hunter General." Luz said as our bodies were still turning to stone. "But, those aren't really a thing anymore. No one's gonna take you seriously if you start ranting about the demon realm. Not to mention a fashion sense like that. Yikes, my dude." Belos threw us towards the table with the glove. I hid the glove behind my back. "You're offering to be my modern day guide?" Belos asked. "We're not offering anything, but we do want to make a deal." I replied. "Peter and I can't beat you. We know that. So, we'll return to the human realm and will be your guides, if you spare our friends." Luz lied as our bodies were mostly stone now. Belos scoffed. "Come on. You'll need living proof that this realm exists. You'd do anything to save humanity. Well, we'd do anything to save the people we love." I explained. "Please. Philip." Before we were fully turned to stone, Belos quickly undid the spell. "Fine." Belos agreed. "Then shake on it. Human style." Luz said, shaking his hand. Belos turned to me as I grabbed his arm to give him a sigil. "Ha! Get sigiled, bitch!" I exclaimed. "You'll never make it out of here unless you stop the Draining Spell right now!" Luz shouted as Belos was changing into this green monster. "What the fuck is that thing?!" I gasped. "And why does it smell so bad?"

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