Watching And Dreaming

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Thank you for everything, fellow weirdos. I hope you enjoy the epic conclusion to the main story of Adventures in the Boiling Isles. -Mal.

The ground started shaking as strings were grabbing onto our friends and taking them away to the archives. "Mama! Amity!" Luz shouted. "Shit! He knows we're here." I gasped before seeing a flash of light.

I looked around to see myself in Belos's castle. As I was about to stand up, Lucky crawled up on my arm. "Lucky!" I gasped. "I'm so glad you're okay, little buddy. Why are we in Belos's castle? I thought it was destroyed." "Welcome to your first day of training as a coven scout, Peter." I heard Lilith's friend, Steve say. "Belos thinks you're ready for the mountain trial." "Training? To be a coven scout? Oh, hell no!" I snapped. "You can't make me!" "Oh, but Belos says the Titan has big plans for you." Another scout said. "You'll be given a special task after training is complete. Capture The Owl Lady!"

"I REFUSE TO FREEZE MY BALLS OFF ON A MOUNTAIN! I'LL NEVER IMPRISON MY MOTHER!" I cried as Luz woke me up with one of her light glyphs. "Luz! Thank God!" Looking around, I saw Eda and King both having nightmares, surrounded by puppet versions of Lilith, Grandma Gwendolyn, Grandpa Dell, and Bill the Titan Trapper. "You go wake up King, I'll take care of Eda." Luz said, handing me a light glyph. I ran over to King and instantly activated the light glyph. "It's gonna be okay, King." I reassured him as Luz came to join me. "Weh? Luz? Peter? Guys!" King cried, jumping on top of us. "Hey, buddy." Luz replied. "Hey, little bro." I chuckled. "Is this real? Is that Luz and Peter?" Eda asked, running towards us. "Are you all really here?" "Get over here, you witch." Luz cried as we all had a group hug. "It's Mom and King!" I cried. "I thought we'd lost you guys forever." Eda kissed all of us and we all were crying tears of joy. "I thought I'd never see you again." Eda whimpered. "How did you get back to the Demon Realm?" "It's a very long story." I replied. "We wouldn't know where to begin." "There was Belos in the Human Realm." Luz began. "There was what?!" Eda and King asked. "Then we saw Kikimora. She, uh, was a lot to deal with." Luz continued. "I can imagine." King said, annoyed. "And then, Luz's mom decided to..." I added, finally noticing that my mom was missing an arm. "Whoa! How the fuck did that happen?!" "Uh, that's a shorter story." Eda explains. "Oh, is that Luz's Palisman?" Owlbert, Stringbean, and Lucky finally interacted with each other for the first time. "Hey, hey, all I wanna do is hear all of you talk over hot chocosmilk. But first, we got to find a way out of whatever this is." King said, just as The Collector made a pretty cool entrance. "I don't get it, King. I really don't get it." The Collector said. "I thought you loved playing our games. Why do you choose these itty-bitty spiders over me?" "Because your games stink, squirt." Eda replied. "And 'cause spiders are awesome." Luz commented. "Yeah! Especially the itty-bitty ones." King exclaimed. "Radioactive or otherwise." I added. "Aw, you act like I'm doing something bad, but I'm just having fun." The Collector explains. "Trapping people and scaring them and controlling them?" King asked. "That's not fun, Collector." "And everyone nearly died from the draining spell." Eda added. "So? Toys break all the time. You just fix them." He said, breaking a toy version of himself and repairing it. "Do you not understand what death means to mortals?" I asked, thinking of my dad. "Well, don't worry because I don't want to scare you anymore." The Collector reassured us, levitating in the air. "I think we can all be great friends. So, let me show you some of my favorite games."

The Collector showed us his favorite games alright. We were basically playing his version of Pac-Man, Marbles, and Jenga, but it looked like they had enough after a while. "Thank God!" I sighed with relief. "I think I barfed like 12 times." King said. "Wanna make it a lucky number 13?" Eda asked. Surprisingly, Luz and I noticed The Collector crying. "Kids!" Eda warned as we began to approach him. "Eda, let them go." King said. "If anyone can talk sense into them, it's Luz and Peter." "Collector, you know this can't last forever." Luz explains. "Why? Because you know you'll lose?" The Collector sniffled. "I just wanted a friend who wouldn't lie to me or trick me, but everyone's the same. King lied. Belos lied. Even they lied." "Who the hell is they?" I asked. "The Archivists, my siblings." The Collector explained. ""Oh, let's play a game," they said, "Let's play hide and seek." You go down there and see if the Titans wanna play." So, I played. And it was great. The baby Titans were the cutest, just like King, and they were all so welcoming. But The Archivists were scared of their power. So, one by one, they disappeared. Until there was one Titan left, and he thought I was the bad guy. He hid his egg from me and trapped me. But I showed all of them. Even when those Trapper jerks starting acting weird. Even when Belos lied to me. I found King! I found the last Titan and he's my friend now!" "Collector." King said. "I know it's just pretend, I don't care." The Collector cried. "I'll pretend as long as I want!" "But that's not what you want, is it?" Luz asked. "What do you know?" The Collector questioned. "We know what it's like to feel alone." Eda replied. "And abandoned." King said. "And neglected." I added. "And misunderstood." Luz frowned. "Hey, what if we showed you how we became friends?" "King already told me about your adventures." The Collector replied. "It's different when you can see them." I said, showing the child some pictures. "What do you think? Can we tell you our stories?" Luz asked.

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